Nursery Rhymes :
Most children love being told Nursery Rhymes. The most popular rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes. They are sweet to our ears forever. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest shown by the education department to enthuse the children to speak out.
The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous Nursery Rhymes for children. We have done our best to collect all the Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference. The addition of more and more rhymes is going on everyday.
These Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very early age. Analysis of these Nursery Rhymes will reflect the historical background in which these Nursery Rhymes were written.
Nursery Rhymes listed in Alphabetical Order :
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Most of the Nursery Rhymes (POEMS) are by Stuart Macfarlane and covered by copyright. Please do not use these without permission. Nursery Rhymes (POEMS) not written by Stuart Macfarlane are assumed to be in the public domain. If you spot any of them here, please let us know and it will be removed.
- 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe
- 10 Little Indians
- 30 Days Hath September
- A B C... : 1
- A B C... : 2
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
- A, B, C, Sona
- A B C Tumble
- A Big Shoe
- A Boy Thanksgiving Day
- A Cat Came Fiddling out of A Barn
- A Cock and Bull Story
- A diller, a dollar - 1
- A Diller, A Dollar - 2
- A Dimple on Your Cheek
- A Dis A Dis A Green Grass
- A Duck and A Drake
- A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare
- A Flying Visit
- A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
- A Hippopotamus Not
- A Hopeless Case
- A Hunting We Will Go
- A Jumper of Ditches
- A King Met a King
- A kiss when I wake in the morning.
- A Lark
- A Little Bird
- A Little Man
- A Little Old Man
- A Man and A Maid
- A man of words and not of deeds
- A Melancholy Song
- A Memory
- A Needle and Thread
- A Nick and A Nock
- A Pinch of Salt
- A Race
- A Rash Stipulation
- A Rising Doctor
- A Rose is...
- A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea
- A Seasonable Song
- A Sharp Lover
- A Short Sweet Tale
- A Slippery Gap
- A Strange Thing
- A Sure Test
- A Swarm of Bees in May
- A Tisket A Tasket
- A Was An Apple Pie
- A Was An Archer - 1
- A was an archer - 2
- A Wasted Journey
- A Week of Birthdays
- A Well
- A Wild Flower Alphabet
- A Wise Old Owl
- A Wish
- ABC from Alphabet
- Aboot The Merry-Matanzie
- About The Bush
- Action Song
- Adam and Eve and Pinchme
- Aeroplane
- Aeroplane Aeroplane!
- After a Bath... - 1
- After A Bath... - 2
- Ah Sent Her Fur Cheese
- Alas Alas
- All around the cobbler
- All But Blind
- All the little fishes...
- All The Verses Are Read Dears
- Ally Bally
- Ally Bally Bee
- Alphabet Song
- An Alphabet Omes
- An Apple A Day
- An Apple Pie
- An April Day - 1
- An April Day - 2
- An Elephant
- An elephant walks like this and that.
- Ane Twa Three
- Animal Alphabet
- Ann Ann Come Quick
- Anna Maria
- Ants Go Marching
- Anyone
- Apple Harvest
- Are You Sleeping? - 1
- Are You Sleeping? - 2
- Army and Navy
- Around The Garden
- Around The Green Gravel
- As eh gaed up a field o neeps
- As I Sat Under A Sycamore Tree
- As I was walking down the lake...
- As I Walked By Myself - 1
- As I walked by myself - 2
- As I Was Going Along
- As I Was Going To St. Ives - 1
- As I was going to St. Ives - 2
- As I Was Going Up A Hill
- As I Was Sitting
- As I Went To Bonner
- Away Birds Away
- Baa Baa Black Sheep - 1
- Baa Baa Black Sheep - 2
- "Baa, Baa," says The Sheep.
- Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
- Baa Baa Black Sheep - Alternative Version
- Baby and I
- Baby Dolly
- Baby Things
- Ballad of The Jelly-Cake
- Bandy Legs
- Barber Barber
- Barber, barber, shave a big.
- Barney Bodkin
- Barney Bodkin broke his nose
- Bat Bat Come Under My Hat
- Bear Went Over The Mountain
- Bedtime
- Beg Parding Mrs Harding
- Bells
- Bell Horses
- Bessies Song To Her Doll
- Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
- Betty Botter Bought Some Butter
- Betty Bought A Bit O Butter
- Big Ship Sails
- Billy Billy
- Billy Boy
- Bingo
- Bird Scarer
- Bird Song
- Birds of A Feather
- Birds of a feather flock together. - 1
- Birds of a feather flock together. - 2
- Birthday Poem to WIFE
- Bits of Paper - 1
- Bits of Paper - 2
- Black I Am and Much Admired
- Blacksmith
- Bless You Bless
- Blind Mans Buff
- Block City
- Blow Wind Blow
- Blow, wind, blow! and go, mill, go!
- Blue Bell Boy
- Bo Peep and Boy Blue
- Boby Shaftoe’s gone to sea
- Bobby Shaftos Gone To Sea
- Bonnie Bee
- Bonny Sailor Boy
- Booman
- Bow Wow
- Bow, wow, wow, who’s dog art thou?
- Bow-Vow says The Dog.
- Bow- Wow says the dog.
- Bow Wow Wow - 1
- Bow Wow Wow - 2
- Boxing Is Not Hard At All.
- Boy and Girl
- Boy and The Sparrow
- Boys and Girls
- Bread and Milk
- Brian O Lin
- Bring Back Your Sheep
- Brow Bender
- Brown Bear! Brown Bear!!
- Buckingham Palace
- Burnie Bee
- Butterfly, Butterfly, flutter around.
- Buttercup Poppy Forget Me Not
- Buttons
- Bye-Baby Bunting - 1
- Bye, Baby Bunting, - 2
- Cackle Cackle
- Cackle, cackle, Mother Goose
- Caesars Song
- Candid Candle!
- Cat Ate The Dumplings
- Chanticleer
- Charley Barley Butter and Eggs - 1
- Charley Barley Butter and Eggs - 2
- Charley Charley - 1
- Charley Charley - 2
- Children Picking Up Our Bones
- Chin-Chin China Man
- Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook
- Christmas
- Chiristmas Bells
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas is Coming. - 1
- Christmas is Coming. - 2
- Christmas Treasures
- Chubby Cheeks
- Chubby Cheeks Dimple Chin
- Chuck Chuck
- Circus Day Parade
- Clap A Clap A Handies
- Clap Handies
- Clap Your Hands
- Clever Hen
- Cobbler Cobbler
- Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe : 1
- Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe : 2
- Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe - 3
- Cobbler Mend My Shoe
- Cock A Doodle Doo! - 1
- Cock A Doodle Doo! - 2
- Cock A Doodle Doo! - 3
- Cock Crow In The Morn
- Cock Robin
- Cock-a-doodle-do
- Cocks Crow
- Cocks On The House Top
- Coffee and Tea
- Colin
- Colours - 1
- Colours - 2
- Colourful Rainbow!
- Come, let's to bed
- Combing The Hair
- Come Buy
- Come Lets to Bed
- Come on and join
- Come Unto These Yellow Sands
- Come Up and See My Garret
- Come When Called
- Comical Folk
- Cottleston Pie
- Coulters Candy
- Counting Rhyme
- Cowe The Nettle Early
- Cradle Song
- Crivens Jings Help Ma Boab
- Croodlin Doo
- Cross Patch
- Crowdie
- Cry Baby
- Cry Baby Buntin
- Curly Locks Curly Locks
- Cushy Cow
- Cut Thistles in May
- Cut Thistles in May
- Cycling
- Daffy Down Dilly - 1
- Daffy down dilly - 2
- Daisy Daisy
- Dame Trot
- Dame Trot and Her Cat
- Dan Dan The Funny Wee Man
- Dance Baby
- Dance Tae Yer Daddy
- Dance To Your Daddie
- Dapple-Gray
- Day is done!
- Deep Blue Sea
- Defiance
- Dickery Dickery Dare
- Diddlety Diddlety Dumpty
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling - 1
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling - 2
- Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John
- Ding dong bell - 1
- Ding Dong Bell - 2
- Ding Dong Bell - 3
- Ding dong bell, Pussy’s in the well!
- Dinkey Bird
- Dinner Table Rhymes
- Do Diddle Di Do
- Do Not I?
- Do Re Mi
- Do The Hokey Pokey
- Doe Ray Me
- Dobbin Friend
- Doctor Bell
- Doctor Faustus
- Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
- Doctor Fell
- Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester
- Doctor Foster went to Gloucester.
- Dolly Crib
- Donkey Donkey - 1
- Donkey Donkey - 2
- Donkey, Donkey, Old and Grey - 1
- Donkey, donkey, old and gray - 2
- Do Not Care
- Doodle Doodle Doo
- Down at The Bus Stop
- Down By The Bay
- Dr Foster
- Dr Keys Answer
- Draw A Pail Of Water
- Dressing A Baby
- Dribble
- Double Bubbles
- Down At the Bus Stop....
- Duck
- Ducks and Drakes
- Duke of York
- Dumb Soldier
- Early To Bed - 1
- Early To Bed - 2
- Early To Bed and Early To Rise
- Earwig
- Eena Meena
- Eencey Weency Spider
- Eenity Feenity Fickety Feg
- Eeny Meeny Miny Mo
- Ehll Awa Hame
- Ehll Tell The Boaby
- Ehll Tell The Boaby
- Ehm Goin Awa On The Train
- Eight Big Fingers
- Elizabeth Elspeth Betsey and Bess - 1
- Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy, and Bess - 2
- Elsie Marley
- Elsie Marley is grown so fine,
- Engine, Engine number nine - 1
- Engine Engine Number Nine - 2
- Eppie Marly
- Evening Red - 1
- Evening Red - 2
- Face Play
- Fair Maiden
- Fairy Bread
- Falling Snow
- Farmer In The Dell
- Farmer Sows His Seeds
- Farmers in His Den
- Father Father
- Father William
- Fears and Tears
- Fee, fi, fa, fum...
- Fee Fie Foh Fum
- Feetikin Feetikin
- Fiddle De Dee
- Fingers and Toes
- Five Currant Buns
- Five Fat Sausages
- Five Fluffy Little Robins
- Five Little Astronauts
- Five Little Ducks
- Five Little Monkeys
- Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
- Five Little Monkeys Swinging in The Tree
- Five Little Snowmen
- Five Little Soldiers - 1
- Five Little Soldiers - 2
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
- Five Nails
- Five Toes
- Five Ten Fifteen Twenty
- Flowers Have Opened.
- For Things That Grow
- For Every Evil
- For Want of A Nail
- Forehead Eyes Cheeks Nose Mouth and Chin
- Four and Twenty Tailors
- Four Currant Buns
- Four Ducks on A Pond
- Frere Jacques
- Friendship
- Funny Little Fellow
- Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
- Gee Up Neddy To The Fair
- Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild
- Georgie Porgie
- Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie
- Georgy Porgy
- Georgie Porgie pudding ‘n pie,
- Ginger
- Girls and Boys - 1
- Girls and Boys - 2
- Go to Bed
- God Bless
- God bless Mummy. - 1
- God Bless Mummy. - 2
- God Is Great.
- Going to Bed
- Golden Goose
- Golden Rules
- Golden Slumbers
- Good Advice
- Good Afternoon! Good Afternoon!!
- Good Little Girls
- Good Morning
- Good Night and Good Morning
- Good Reader
- Good Night Sleep Tight - 1
- Good Night Sleep Tight - 2
- Good Night Sleep Tight - 3
- Goose Wing Chariot
- Goosey Goosey Gander - 1
- Goosey Goosey Gander - 2
- Goosey Goosey Gander - 3
- Goosey, goosey, gander - 4
- Grand Old Duke of York
- Grandmas Spectacles
- Grannies and Grandpas
- Grasshopper
- Gray Goose
- Great A Little A
- Greedy Ben
- Green Cheese
- Green Holly
- Green Peas and Mutton Pies
- Green Says GO
- Gregory Griggs
- Gypsy, Gypsy, tell it me
- Had Four Brothers
- Half A Pound for Mandy Rice
- Handy Pandy
- Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy,
- Hap and Row
- Happy Birthday Poems
- Happy Birthday to You
- Happy Hearts and Happy Faces
- Hark, hark, the dogs to bark,
- He Comes In The Night
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
- Hector Protector
- Heigh Ho The Carrion Crow
- Hello! Mr. Bunny Rabbit
- Here Goes My Lord.
- Here is Sally Sue.
- Here is the Church.
- Here Lies Our Mutton King.
- Here We Go.
- Here We Go Gathering Nuts in May.
- Here we go loop de loop.
- Here We Go Round a Ginger Ring.
- Here we go round the jingo-ring.
- Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. - 1
- Here we go round the mulberry bush. - 2
- Heres Sulky Sue
- Hey Diddle Diddle - 1
- Hey Diddle Diddle - 2
- Hey Diddle Diddle - 3
- Hey diddle diddle - 4
- Hey Diddle Dinkety
- Hey Jock Ma Cuddy
- Hey Nonny
- Hi Spy
- Hickety Pickety - 1
- Hickety Pickety - 2
- Hickety, pickety, my black hen
- Hickory Dickory Dare
- Hickory Dickory Dock - 1
- Hickory Dickory Dock - 2
- Hickory dickory dock - 3
- Hiccup Hiccup
- Hide and Seek
- Hielenman Hielenman
- Higgledy, piggledy, my black hen,
- Higglety Pigglety Pop
- High in The Pine Tree
- Hogs in the Garden
- Hokey Pokey
- Hold Fast Let Go
- Home from School
- Home Sweet Home
- Honey Bee
- Hoo are ye the day
- Hop A Little!
- Hop A Little. Jump A Little. - 1
- Hop A Little. Jump A Little. - 2
- Horse Shoe
- Horse Shoe Nail
- Horsey Horsey
- Hot Codlins
- Hot Cross Buns! - 1
- Hot Cross Buns! - 2
- Hot Cross Buns! - 3
- Hot Cross Buns! - 4
- Hot cross buns, hot cross buns - 5
- How Dan Dilly Dow
- How Large Unto The Fly
- How Many Days Has Baby
- How Many Miles To Babylon
- How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall - 1
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall - 2
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hunter of Reigate
- Hush-A-Bye
- Hush-A-Bye Baby - 1
- Hush A Bye Baby - 2
- Hush-a-bye, Baby, in the tree top,
- Hush A Bye Colin
- Hush A Bye Lie Still With Thy Daddy
- Hush Baby My Dolly
- Hush Little Baby -1
- Hush Little Baby - 2
- Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
- Hush Ye
- Hush-A-Ba Babby Lie Still Lie Still
- Hush-A-Ba Burdie Croon Croon
- I am a little tea-pot.
- I am a Pretty Little Dutch Girl.
- I am A Dingly Dangly Scarecrow.
- I am A Little Airplane.
- I Am A Little Teapot.
- I Am A Skyscraper Wean.
- I am a Tiger...
- I Am Big Tree...
- I am His Highness Dog.
- I Am of Ireland.
- I Am Special
- I am The King of The Castle.
- I Asked My Mother.
- I Can See Left.
- I clap with my hands.
- I do not like thee, Doctor Fell - 1
- I do not like thee, Doctor Fell. - 2
- I Do Not Want To Go To Mexico.
- I Dreamed.
- I Had A Little Doggy.
- I Had A Little Hen. - 1
- I Had A Little Hen. - 2
- I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen,
- I Had a Little Hobbyhorse.
- I Had A Little Horse.
- I Had A Little Husband.
- I Had A Little Nut Tree. - 1
- I Had A Little Nut Tree. - 2
- I had a little pony - 1
- I had a little pony - 2
- I had a little wife.
- I Have A Little Cough.
- I Have A Little Nose.
- I Have No Name.
- I hear Bells.
- I Hear Thunder. - 1
- I hear Thunder. - 2
- I Heard A Horseman.
- I Know A Child.
- I Like Coffee.
- I Love Little Pussy. - 1
- I Love Little Pussy. - 2
- I Love Little Pussy. - 3
- I Love Little Pussy. - 4
- I Love Six Pence.
- I Must Not Tease My Mother.
- I Must Not Throw.
- I Saw A Fish Pond. - 1
- I Saw A Fish Pond. - 2
- I Saw A Sea Saw.
- I Saw A Ship A-Sailing. - 1
- I saw a ship a-sailing - 2
- I Saw Three Ships On New Year Day.
- I See The Moon. - 1
- I See The Moon. - 2
- I Walked Abroad.
- I Went To Town.
- I Will Sing.
- I Will Tell You A Story.
- I Would Not Be The Jack of My Father.
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cream A Penny A Lump
- If All The Seas
- If All The World
- If All The World Was Apple Pie
- If all the world was paper...
- If Ever I See
- If I Had A Donkey
- If I Were An Apple...
- If Ifs and Ans
- If The Evening is Red
- If The Oak Is Out Before The Ash
- If Wishes Were Horses - 1
- If Wishes Were Horses - 2
- If You are Happy and You Know It
- If you’ve dimple on your cheek,
- In A Cottage In A Wood
- In A Village
- In April
- In Jumping and Tumbling
- In Marble Halls As White As Milk
- In The Days of Long Ago
- In The Firelight
- In Winter When Fields Are White
- Incy Wincy Spider! - 1
- Incy Wincy Spider! - 2
- Insy Winsy Spider! - 3
- Intery Mintery Cutery Corn
- Ipsey Wipsey spider
- It is Raining. It is Pouring. - 1
- It’s raining. It’s pouring. - 2
- Itsy Bitsy Spider! - 1
- Itsy Bitsy Spider! - 2
- Itsy Bitsy Spider - 3
- Jack
- Jack A Nory
- Jack and His Fiddle
- Jack and Jill - 1
- Jack and Jill - 2
- Jack and Jill went up the hill.
- Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
- Jack Be Nimble! - 1
- Jack be nimble! - 1
- Jack, Jack, Joe - 1
- Jack, Jack, Joe - 2
- Jack Jelf
- Jack Jingle
- Jack Sprat
- Jack Sprat could eat no fat
- Jack Sprat could eat no fat
- Jack Sprat Had A Pig.
- Jacob and Joseph
- January Brings The Snow. - 1
- January Brings the Snow. - 2
- Jean McPherson
- Jenny Wren
- Jerry Hall - 1
- Jerry Hall - 2
- Jest Fore Christmas
- Jesus Love Me
- John Boatman
- John Cook
- John Gilpin
- John Smith
- John Smith Fallow Fine
- John Wesley
- Johny Johny Yes Mummy,
- Johny Johny Yes Pappa - 1
- Johny Johny Yes Pappa - 2
- Johnny is Frolic.
- Johnny The Barber
- Jolly Miller
- Jolly Red Nose
- Jumping Jeremiah
- Jumping Joan
- Just Like Me
- Katie Beardie
- Keepsake Mill
- Kick The Ball.
- Kiltie Mary Hid A Canary
- King Boggen
- King Pippin
- Kite
- Knee Ride
- Knock At The Door
- Knock At The Door Peep In
- Lady Bird Fly Away
- Lady Bird Lady Bird
- Lavender's Blue
- Lavender’s blue, dilly dilly, lavender’s green,
- Left is The Window.
- Listen to my big drum.
- Little Betty Blue
- Little Bo and Sheep
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
- Little Boy Blue - 1
- Little Boy Blue - 2
- Little Boy Blue come blow your horn,
- Little Boy Sunny
- Little Girl Little Girl
- Little Jack Horner sat in a corner
- Little Tommy Tucker
- Little Fingers
- Little Fishes!
- Little Fishes in a Brook
- Little Girl, Little Girl : 1
- Little Girl, Little Girl : 2
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Little Monkeys!
- Little Miss Muffett
- Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
- Little Peter Rabbit
- Little Pig Went To Market
- Little Polly Flinders
- Little Pup! Little Pup!!
- Little Robin Red Breast
- Little Robin Redbreast
- Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree
- Little Tea Pot
- Little Tommy Tucker : 1
- Little Tommy Tucker : 2
- Lolly-Pop - 1
- Lolly Pop - 2
- London Bridge
- Love Poems
- London's burning, London's burning...
- Lucy Locket
- Lucky Locket Lost Her Pocket
- Lullaby, Lullaby
- Making A Fool Stop - Shortest Poem ever written
- Mary Ann... Mary Ann...
- Mary had A Little Lamb - 1
- Mary Had A Little Lamb - 2
- Mary had a little lamb - 3
- Mary’s Lamb
- Mary Mary Quite Contrary
- Mary, Mary quite contrary
- May God Bless You?
- Me
- Miss Molly
- Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
- Mix A Pancake! - 1
- Mix A Pancake! - 2
- Mix and Fry
- Monday's Child is fair of face. - 1
- Mondays child is fair of face. - 2
- Moon and Star
- Mother May I go and bathe?
- Mr. East gave a feast.
- Mulberry Bush
- Mummy and Daddy
- Mummy Has Gone to London
- My Fingers
- My Jack in The Box! - 1
- My Jack In The Box! - 2
- My Jack In The Box! - 3
- My Kite
- My Little Bicycles!
- My Mother is my God.
- My mother said...
- My Red Balloon! - 1
- My Red Balloon! - 2
- My Top
- Needles and pins, needles and pins,
- Never Marry An Elephant.
- Not Hard At All
- Now I lay me down to sleep
- Number Rhyme
- Numbers from 1 to 9
- Numbers from 10 to 20
- Numbers from 21 to 50
- O My My
- Ode Tae A Bumble Bee
- Oh! MY My
- One Two Buckle My Shoe
- Oh! Butterfly! Butterfly!!
- Oh! Dear, what can the matter be? - 1
- Oh! Dear, What Can The Matter Be? - 2
- Oh Where, oh where has my little dog gone?
- Old Grimes is dead, that good old man,
- Old King Cole
- Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
- Old McDonald
- Old McDonald Had A Farm Ei-e-ah Ei-e-ah-o
- Old Mother Goose,
- Old Mother Hubbard - 1
- Old Mother Hubbard - 2
- Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard
- Once I Caught A Fish Alive
- Once I saw a little bird. - 1
- Once I saw a little bird. - 2
- One for sorrow
- One, he loves. Two, he loves.
- One Little Two Little
- One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians
- One misty, moisty morning
- One More Joins!
- One To Ten
- One, two ...
- One, two, buckle my shoe
- One Two Three Four Five - 1
- One, two, three, four, five - 2
- Oranges and Lemon
- Pat A Cake
- Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man - 1
- Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man - 2
- Peas Porridge Hot
- Pease Porridge Hot
- Peter and Paul
- Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater - 1
- Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater - 2
- Peter Piper
- Peter - The Clown
- Piggie and Engine
- Pit-Pat Well-A-Day
- Please Porridge Hot.
- Polly Put The Kettle On - 1
- Polly Put The Kettle On - 2
- Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on
- Poppy, Poppy!
- Poor old Robinson Crusoe!
- Prayer - 1
- Prayer - 2
- Pussy Cat Mole
- Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- Queen of Hearts
- Rabbits, Rabbits!
- Rain, Rain Come Soon
- Rain Rain Go Away - 1
- Rain Rain Go Away - 2
- Rat Tat Tat - 1
- Rat Tat Tat - 2
- Red Amber and Green
- Red sky at night
- Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross
- Ring-A-Ring O Roses - 1
- Ring-A-Ring O Roses - 2
- Ring A Ring o Roses - 2
- Ring Around A Rosie
- Robin Redbreast
- Rock A Bye Baby - 1
- Rock A Bye Baby - 2
- Romantic Love Poems
- Roses are Red. - 1
- Roses are Red. - 2
- Round and Round
- Round and round the cobbler’s bench
- Row, row, row your boat - 1
- Row Row Row Your Boat - 2
- Row Row Row Your Boat - 3
- Rub-a-dub-dub - 1
- Rub a dub dub - 2
- Scare-Crow
- See-Saw Margery Daw
- See-Saw Up and Down
- Simple Simon - 1
- Simple Simon - 2
- Sing A Song of Six pence - 1
- Sing a song of six pence - 2
- Six little mice sat down to spin
- Sleep Baby Sleep
- Smiling Girls, Rosy Boys...
- Socks On The Line
- Solomon Grundy - 1
- Solomon Grundy - 2
- Solomon Grundy - 3
- Star Light
- Stop, says The Red Light.
- Swing High, Swing High,
- Taffy was a Welshman
- Target Practice
- Tea Pot
- Teddy Bear...Teddy Bear - 1
- Teddy Bear... Teddy Bear... - 2
- Teddy Bear...Teddy Bear - 2
- Ten Fluffy Yellow Chicks!
- Ten Little Fingers!
- Ten Little Fireman
- Thank You God
- The Bus
- The Cat And The Fiddle
- The Cat and The Mat
- The Clock
- The Cock Doth Crow
- The Computer Programmer’s Poem - Longest Poem ever written
- The Crooked Sixpence
- The Dog Says
- The fair maid who the first of May
- The Family!
- The Farmer’s In His Den.
- The Garden! : 1
- The Garden! : 2
- The Grocer's Shop
- The Lion and The Unicorn - 1
- The Lion and The Unicorns - 2
- The Little Bird
- The man in the moon came down too soon
- The man in the wilderness asked me
- The Moon
- The Mouse and The Clock
- The north wind doth blow
- The old woman must stand at the tub, tub, tub
- The Pumpkin-Eater
- The Queen Of Hearts
- The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts
- The Sun and The Moon
- The System Call
- The Tick-Tock Clock
- The Wheels on The Bus
- The Wind and The Rain
- The Zig-Zag Boy
- The Zoo!
- There Comes A Bull.
- There once was A Parrot Named Jack
- There was a crooked man
- There was a little girl.
- There was a little girl and she had a little curl
- There was a little man and he had a little gun.
- There was a man in our town
- There was A Young Lad from Dundee.
- There was an old soldier of Bister.
- There Was An Old Woman - 1
- There was an old woman - 2
- There was an old woman - 3
- There was an old woman as I have heard tell
- There was an old woman called Nothing-at-all.
- There was an old woman tossed in a basket
- Thirty days hath September
- This is the house that Jack built.
- This little pig went to market.
- Three Blind Mice : 1
- Three Blind Mice : 2
- Three Blind Mice : 3
- Three jolly huntsmen
- Three little kittens…they lost their mittens.
- Three wise men from Gotham
- Tick Tock
- Tiger, Tiger, Orange and Black!
- To Market To Market - 1
- To Market To Market - 2
- To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
- Tom, Tom, the piper’s son - 1
- Tom, Tom, the piper’s son - 2
- Tom, Tom, the piper’s son - 3
- Tommy kept a chandler's shop.
- Tommy, Trot, a man of law
- Tooth-Brush
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Twenty white horses
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - 1
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 2
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 3
- Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall
- Two Little Dicky Birds - 1
- Two Little Dicky Birds - 2
- Two Little Ducks
- Two Little Hands...
- Two Pigeons
- Up on Pauls steeple stands a tree
- Waiting
- Washing Day! - 1
- Washing Day! - 2
- Way to Babylon
- Wee Willie Winkie! - 1
- Wee Willie Winkie! - 2
- Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town
- Wee Willy Winkie ran through the town
- What Are Little Boys Made Of? - 1
- What are little boys made of? - 2
- What the Directions Say?
- When the wind is in the east
- Where Oh Where
- Who killed Cock Robin?
- William and Mary
- Willy Boy, Willy Boy, where are you going?
- Will you step into my parlor?
- With My Little Broom
- Work while you work. - 1
- Work While You Work. - 2
- Wow, Vegetables!
- Yankee Doodle
- Yankee Doodle came to town.
- Yankee Doodle Went To Town
Tongue Twisters
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