and Misused Words
Confused and Misused Words :
English in the present world is not a foreign language. It has become the International Language in an IT-driven society. One’s success in life has become very much dependent on the level of proficiency in English Language. Nevertheless, English language harbours a number of words that are highly susceptible to be confused or misused.
This page on Confused and Misused Words gives you a compilation of the most frequently misspelled, commonly confused and easily misunderstood words floating around in the English Language. This section will immensely benefit you all new to English language, the aspirants of management entrance exams such as GMAT, GRE, SAT, TOEFL and LSAT as well as the candidates for recruitment-exams. In addition to those who want to enter higher educational portal, those who are in the middle of their professional ladder also will find this section helpful and resourceful. We have done our best in collecting all those confused words. Our team of experts is looking out to add more such pair of confused words to this compilation. This section will be always comprehensive so that your knowledge of English will be updated by your continuous visit to this page.
Since our sole intention is to make this web-portal as complete as possible as far as English language is considered, we add more sections of this nature to make our visitors like you come back regularly to this web-portal. English language is bigger than Atlantic Ocean. The more we add, the more is yet to be added. The more we learn, the more is yet to be learnt. Such is the case of English language which has gained international attention after the onset of computer and internet.
By giving clear and sensible guidance to avoid the common pitfalls of the English language, this page will play a pivotal role in your progress towards professional success.
List of Confused and Misused Words beginning with S :
- What is the difference between Sac and Sack?
- What is the difference between Sag and Sage?
- What is the difference between Sail and Sale?
- What is the difference between Sally and Sully?
- What is the difference between Salon and Saloon?
- What is the difference between Satire and Satyr?
- What is the difference between Savory and Savoury?
- What is the difference between Scarf and Scurf?
- What is the difference between Scene and Scenery?
- What is the difference between Scoop and Scope?
- What is the difference between Scrap and Scrape?
- What is the difference between Seam and Seem?
- What is the difference between Sear and Seer?
- What is the difference between Seat and Sit?
- What is the difference between Secret and Secrete?
- What is the difference between Seed and Cede?
- What is the difference between Seek and Sick?
- What is the difference between Seep and Sip?
- What is the difference between Seize and Siege and Cease?
- What is the difference between Serf and Surf?
- What is the difference between Serge and Surge?
- What is the difference between Session and Cession?
- What is the difference between Sever and Severe?
- What is the difference between Shad and Shade?
- What is the difference between Sham and Shame?
- What is the difference between Sheaf and Sheep and Ship?
- What is the difference between Shear and Sheer?
- What is the difference between Sheen and Shin?
- What is the difference between Sheet and Shit?
- What is the difference between Shingle and Single?
- What is the difference between Sight and Site and Cite?
- What is the difference between Sign and Sine?
- What is the difference between Sing and Singe?
- What is the difference between Slander and Slender?
- What is the difference between Slat and Slate?
- What is the difference between Sleek and Slick?
- What is the difference between Sleep and Slip?
- What is the difference between Sleet and Slit?
- What is the difference between Slim and Slime?
- What is the difference between Slop and Slope?
- What is the difference between Slot and Sloth?
- What is the difference between Sneak and Snick?
- What is the difference between Sniff and Snip?
- What is the difference between Soap and Sop?
- What is the difference between Soar and Sore and Sour?
- What is the difference between Solder and Soldier?
- What is the difference between Soon and Swoon?
- What is the difference between Sole and Soul?
- What is the difference between Soot and Suit and Suite
- What is the difference between Soup and Swoop?
- What is the difference between Spacious and Specious?
- What is the difference between Spar and Spare and Spur?
- What is the difference between Spat and Spate?
- What is the difference between Spatial and Special?
- What is the difference between Spin and Spine?
- What is the difference between Spit and Spite?
- What is the difference between Staff and Stuff?
- What is the difference between Stamp and Stump?
- What is the difference between Stare and Stair?
- What is the difference between Stationary and Stationery?
- What is the difference between Stead and Steed?
- What is the difference between Steal and Steel and Still?
- What is the difference between Stiff and Steep?
- What is the difference between Storey and Story?
- What is the difference between Straight and Strait?
- What is the difference between Super and Supper?
- What is the difference between Surely and Surly?
- What is the difference between Symbol and Cymbal?
- What is the difference between Symmetry and Cemetery?
Confused and Misused Words Index
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