Body Vocabulary
Body Vocabulary is the list of words, related to a particular field, listed in an order.
Here you could find many such lists of words related to Places, Profession, Number, Character, Church, Governmenr, Marriage, Medicine,Science,Art etc...
Take your own time to go through all these lists of Body Vocabulary and note down the words which you may need for your writings.
Related Links :
To know the definitions for the words such as Bevy, Pack, Herd, Troop etc… which are denoting Numbers… Words denoting Numbers
To know the definitions for the words such as Curator, Potter, Usurer, Tinker, Janitor etc… which are denoting Traders… Words denoting Traders
To know the definitions for the words such as Admiral, Dentist, Oculist, Masseur etc…which are denoting Professions...Words denoting Professions
To know the definitions for the words such as Despotism, Plutocracy etc…which are denoting Government…Words denoting Government
To know the definitions for the words such as Bigamist, Banns, Trousseau etc…which are denoting Marriage…Words denoting Marriage
To know the definitions for the words such as Apiary, Hutch, Pen, Abattoir etc… which are denoting Places… Words denoting Places
To know the definitions for the words such as Chapel, Halo, Heresy, Pulpit etc…which are denoting Church… Words denoting Church
To know the definitions for the words such as Embalm, Pyre, Legacy, Obituary etc…which are denoting Death… Words denoting Death
To know the definitions for the words such as Udometer, Ammeter etc…which are denoting Instruments… Words denoting Instruments
To know the definitions for the words such as Cocaine, Endemic, Anaemia etc…which are denoting Medicine… Words denoting Medicine
To know the definitions for the words such as Biology, Limnology etc…which are denoting Science… Words denoting Science
To know the definitions for the words such as Taxidermy, Calligraphy etc…which are denoting Arts… Words denoting Arts
To know the definitions for the words such as Migrate, Emigrate etc… which are Opposites in meanings… Words denoting Opposites
Here is the list of complete Body Vocabulary.
To know the definitions for the words such as Immortal, Inexplicable etc…which are Negatives in meanings… Words denoting Negatives
To know the definition for the words such as Fauna, Kernel, Parasite etc…which are denoting Nature…Words denoting Nature
To know the definitions for the words such as Teetotaler, Accomplice etc…which are denoting Characters… Words denoting Characters
To know the definitions for the words such as Conscript, Besiege etc…which are denoting Military…Words denoting Military
To know the definitions for the words Playwright, Encomium, Wiseacre etc…which are denoting Literature… Words denoting Literature
To know the definitions for the words such as Chassis, Jetsam etc…which are denoting Miscellaneous subjects…Words denoting Miscellaneous
To know the definitions for the words such as Adverb, Conjunction, Object etc… which are denoting English… Words denoting English
To know the definitions for the words such as Eclipse,Meteor,Nebula etc...which are denoting our Universe... Words denoting our Universe
To know what the suffix ‘phobia’ means and to know the definitions for the terms such as Gatophobia, Gephyrophobia… Words denoting phobias
To know what the suffix ‘mania’ means and to know the definitions for the terms such as Pyromania, Plutomania… Words denoting manias
Here is the list of complete Body Vocabulary.
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