Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes :

Most children love being told Nursery Rhymes. The most popular rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes. They are sweet to our ears forever. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest shown by the education department to enthuse the children to speak out.

The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous Nursery Rhymes for children. We have done our best to collect all the Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference. The addition of more and more rhymes is going on everyday.

These Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very early age. Analysis of these Nursery Rhymes will reflect the historical background in which these Nursery Rhymes were written.

Nursery Rhymes listed in Alphabetical Order :

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M

N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Most of the Nursery Rhymes (POEMS) are by Stuart Macfarlane and covered by copyright. Please do not use these without permission. Nursery Rhymes (POEMS) not written by Stuart Macfarlane are assumed to be in the public domain. If you spot any of them here, please let us know and it will be removed.

  1. 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe
  2. 10 Little Indians
  3. 30 Days Hath September
  4. A B C... : 1
  5. A B C... : 2
  6. A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
  7. A, B, C, Sona
  8. A B C Tumble
  9. A Big Shoe
  10. A Boy Thanksgiving Day
  11. A Cat Came Fiddling out of A Barn
  12. A Cock and Bull Story
  13. A diller, a dollar - 1
  14. A Diller, A Dollar - 2
  15. A Dimple on Your Cheek
  16. A Dis A Dis A Green Grass
  17. A Duck and A Drake
  18. A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare
  19. A Flying Visit
  20. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
  21. A Hippopotamus Not
  22. A Hopeless Case
  23. A Hunting We Will Go
  24. A Jumper of Ditches
  25. A King Met a King
  26. A kiss when I wake in the morning.
  27. A Lark
  28. A Little Bird
  29. A Little Man
  30. A Little Old Man
  31. A Man and A Maid
  32. A man of words and not of deeds
  33. A Melancholy Song
  34. A Memory
  35. A Needle and Thread
  36. A Nick and A Nock
  37. A Pinch of Salt
  38. A Race
  39. A Rash Stipulation
  40. A Rising Doctor
  41. A Rose is...
  42. A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea
  43. A Seasonable Song
  44. A Sharp Lover
  45. A Short Sweet Tale
  46. A Slippery Gap
  47. A Strange Thing
  48. A Sure Test
  49. A Swarm of Bees in May
  50. A Tisket A Tasket
  51. A Was An Apple Pie
  52. A Was An Archer - 1
  53. A was an archer - 2
  54. A Wasted Journey
  55. A Week of Birthdays
  56. A Well
  57. A Wild Flower Alphabet
  58. A Wise Old Owl
  59. A Wish
  60. ABC from Alphabet
  61. Aboot The Merry-Matanzie
  62. About The Bush
  63. Action Song
  64. Adam and Eve and Pinchme
  65. Aeroplane
  66. Aeroplane Aeroplane!
  67. After a Bath... - 1
  68. After A Bath... - 2
  69. Ah Sent Her Fur Cheese
  70. Alas Alas
  71. All around the cobbler
  72. All But Blind
  73. All the little fishes...
  74. All The Verses Are Read Dears
  75. Ally Bally
  76. Ally Bally Bee
  77. Alphabet Song
  78. An Alphabet Omes
  79. An Apple A Day
  80. An Apple Pie
  81. An April Day - 1
  82. An April Day - 2
  83. An Elephant
  84. An elephant walks like this and that.
  85. Ane Twa Three
  86. Animal Alphabet
  87. Ann Ann Come Quick
  88. Anna Maria
  89. Ants Go Marching
  90. Anyone
  91. Apple Harvest
  92. Are You Sleeping? - 1
  93. Are You Sleeping? - 2
  94. Army and Navy
  95. Around The Garden
  96. Around The Green Gravel
  97. As eh gaed up a field o neeps
  98. As I Sat Under A Sycamore Tree
  99. As I was walking down the lake...
  100. As I Walked By Myself - 1
  101. As I walked by myself - 2
  102. As I Was Going Along
  103. As I Was Going To St. Ives - 1
  104. As I was going to St. Ives - 2
  105. As I Was Going Up A Hill
  106. As I Was Sitting
  107. As I Went To Bonner
  108. Away Birds Away
  109. Baa Baa Black Sheep - 1
  110. Baa Baa Black Sheep - 2
  111. "Baa, Baa," says The Sheep.
  112. Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
  113. Baa Baa Black Sheep - Alternative Version
  114. Baby and I
  115. Baby Dolly
  116. Baby Things
  117. Ballad of The Jelly-Cake
  118. Bandy Legs
  119. Barber Barber
  120. Barber, barber, shave a big.
  121. Barney Bodkin
  122. Barney Bodkin broke his nose
  123. Bat Bat Come Under My Hat
  124. Bear Went Over The Mountain
  125. Bedtime
  126. Beg Parding Mrs Harding
  127. Bells
  128. Bell Horses
  129. Bessies Song To Her Doll
  130. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
  131. Betty Botter Bought Some Butter
  132. Betty Bought A Bit O Butter
  133. Big Ship Sails
  134. Billy Billy
  135. Billy Boy
  136. Bingo
  137. Bird Scarer
  138. Bird Song
  139. Birds of A Feather
  140. Birds of a feather flock together. - 1
  141. Birds of a feather flock together. - 2
  142. Birthday Poem to WIFE
  143. Bits of Paper - 1
  144. Bits of Paper - 2
  145. Black I Am and Much Admired
  146. Blacksmith
  147. Bless You Bless
  148. Blind Mans Buff
  149. Block City
  150. Blow Wind Blow
  151. Blow, wind, blow! and go, mill, go!
  152. Blue Bell Boy
  153. Bo Peep and Boy Blue
  154. Boby Shaftoe’s gone to sea
  155. Bobby Shaftos Gone To Sea
  156. Bonnie Bee
  157. Bonny Sailor Boy
  158. Booman
  159. Bow Wow
  160. Bow, wow, wow, who’s dog art thou?
  161. Bow-Vow says The Dog.
  162. Bow- Wow says the dog.
  163. Bow Wow Wow - 1
  164. Bow Wow Wow - 2
  165. Boxing Is Not Hard At All.
  166. Boy and Girl
  167. Boy and The Sparrow
  168. Boys and Girls
  169. Bread and Milk
  170. Brian O Lin
  171. Bring Back Your Sheep
  172. Brow Bender
  173. Brown Bear! Brown Bear!!
  174. Buckingham Palace
  175. Burnie Bee
  176. Butterfly, Butterfly, flutter around.
  177. Buttercup Poppy Forget Me Not
  178. Buttons
  179. Bye-Baby Bunting - 1
  180. Bye, Baby Bunting, - 2
  181. Cackle Cackle
  182. Cackle, cackle, Mother Goose
  183. Caesars Song
  184. Candid Candle!
  185. Cat Ate The Dumplings
  186. Chanticleer
  187. Charley Barley Butter and Eggs - 1
  188. Charley Barley Butter and Eggs - 2
  189. Charley Charley - 1
  190. Charley Charley - 2
  191. Children Picking Up Our Bones
  192. Chin-Chin China Man
  193. Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook
  194. Christmas
  195. Chiristmas Bells
  196. Christmas Eve
  197. Christmas is Coming. - 1
  198. Christmas is Coming. - 2
  199. Christmas Treasures
  200. Chubby Cheeks
  201. Chubby Cheeks Dimple Chin
  202. Chuck Chuck
  203. Circus Day Parade
  204. Clap A Clap A Handies
  205. Clap Handies
  206. Clap Your Hands
  207. Clever Hen
  208. Cobbler Cobbler
  209. Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe : 1
  210. Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe : 2
  211. Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe - 3
  212. Cobbler Mend My Shoe
  213. Cock A Doodle Doo! - 1
  214. Cock A Doodle Doo! - 2
  215. Cock A Doodle Doo! - 3
  216. Cock Crow In The Morn
  217. Cock Robin
  218. Cock-a-doodle-do
  219. Cocks Crow
  220. Cocks On The House Top
  221. Coffee and Tea
  222. Colin
  223. Colours - 1
  224. Colours - 2
  225. Colourful Rainbow!
  226. Come, let's to bed
  227. Combing The Hair
  228. Come Buy
  229. Come Lets to Bed
  230. Come on and join
  231. Come Unto These Yellow Sands
  232. Come Up and See My Garret
  233. Come When Called
  234. Comical Folk
  235. Cottleston Pie
  236. Coulters Candy
  237. Counting Rhyme
  238. Cowe The Nettle Early
  239. Cradle Song
  240. Crivens Jings Help Ma Boab
  241. Croodlin Doo
  242. Cross Patch
  243. Crowdie
  244. Cry Baby
  245. Cry Baby Buntin
  246. Curly Locks Curly Locks
  247. Cushy Cow
  248. Cut Thistles in May
  249. Cut Thistles in May
  250. Cycling
  251. Daffy Down Dilly - 1
  252. Daffy down dilly - 2
  253. Daisy Daisy
  254. Dame Trot
  255. Dame Trot and Her Cat
  256. Dan Dan The Funny Wee Man
  257. Dance Baby
  258. Dance Tae Yer Daddy
  259. Dance To Your Daddie
  260. Dapple-Gray
  261. Day is done!
  262. Deep Blue Sea
  263. Defiance
  264. Dickery Dickery Dare
  265. Diddlety Diddlety Dumpty
  266. Diddle Diddle Dumpling - 1
  267. Diddle Diddle Dumpling - 2
  268. Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John
  269. Ding dong bell - 1
  270. Ding Dong Bell - 2
  271. Ding Dong Bell - 3
  272. Ding dong bell, Pussy’s in the well!
  273. Dinkey Bird
  274. Dinner Table Rhymes
  275. Do Diddle Di Do
  276. Do Not I?
  277. Do Re Mi
  278. Do The Hokey Pokey
  279. Doe Ray Me
  280. Dobbin Friend
  281. Doctor Bell
  282. Doctor Faustus
  283. Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
  284. Doctor Fell
  285. Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester
  286. Doctor Foster went to Gloucester.
  287. Dolly Crib
  288. Donkey Donkey - 1
  289. Donkey Donkey - 2
  290. Donkey, Donkey, Old and Grey - 1
  291. Donkey, donkey, old and gray - 2
  292. Do Not Care
  293. Doodle Doodle Doo
  294. Down at The Bus Stop
  295. Down By The Bay
  296. Dr Foster
  297. Dr Keys Answer
  298. Draw A Pail Of Water
  299. Dressing A Baby
  300. Dribble
  301. Double Bubbles
  302. Down At the Bus Stop....
  303. Duck
  304. Ducks and Drakes
  305. Duke of York
  306. Dumb Soldier
  307. Early To Bed - 1
  308. Early To Bed - 2
  309. Early To Bed and Early To Rise
  310. Earwig
  311. Eena Meena
  312. Eencey Weency Spider
  313. Eenity Feenity Fickety Feg
  314. Eeny Meeny Miny Mo
  315. Ehll Awa Hame
  316. Ehll Tell The Boaby
  317. Ehll Tell The Boaby
  318. Ehm Goin Awa On The Train
  319. Eight Big Fingers
  320. Elizabeth Elspeth Betsey and Bess - 1
  321. Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy, and Bess - 2
  322. Elsie Marley
  323. Elsie Marley is grown so fine,
  324. Engine, Engine number nine - 1
  325. Engine Engine Number Nine - 2
  326. Eppie Marly
  327. Evening Red - 1
  328. Evening Red - 2
  329. Face Play
  330. Fair Maiden
  331. Fairy Bread
  332. Falling Snow
  333. Farmer In The Dell
  334. Farmer Sows His Seeds
  335. Farmers in His Den
  336. Father Father
  337. Father William
  338. Fears and Tears
  339. Fee, fi, fa, fum...
  340. Fee Fie Foh Fum
  341. Feetikin Feetikin
  342. Fiddle De Dee
  343. Fingers and Toes
  344. Five Currant Buns
  345. Five Fat Sausages
  346. Five Fluffy Little Robins
  347. Five Little Astronauts
  348. Five Little Ducks
  349. Five Little Monkeys
  350. Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
  351. Five Little Monkeys Swinging in The Tree
  352. Five Little Snowmen
  353. Five Little Soldiers - 1
  354. Five Little Soldiers - 2
  355. Five Little Speckled Frogs
  356. Five Nails
  357. Five Toes
  358. Five Ten Fifteen Twenty
  359. Flowers Have Opened.
  360. For Things That Grow
  361. For Every Evil
  362. For Want of A Nail
  363. Forehead Eyes Cheeks Nose Mouth and Chin
  364. Four and Twenty Tailors
  365. Four Currant Buns
  366. Four Ducks on A Pond
  367. Frere Jacques
  368. Friendship
  369. Funny Little Fellow
  370. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
  371. Gee Up Neddy To The Fair
  372. Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild
  373. Georgie Porgie
  374. Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie
  375. Georgy Porgy
  376. Georgie Porgie pudding ‘n pie,
  377. Ginger
  378. Girls and Boys - 1
  379. Girls and Boys - 2
  380. Go to Bed
  381. God Bless
  382. God bless Mummy. - 1
  383. God Bless Mummy. - 2
  384. God Is Great.
  385. Going to Bed
  386. Golden Goose
  387. Golden Rules
  388. Golden Slumbers
  389. Good Advice
  390. Good Afternoon! Good Afternoon!!
  391. Good Little Girls
  392. Good Morning
  393. Good Night and Good Morning
  394. Good Reader
  395. Good Night Sleep Tight - 1
  396. Good Night Sleep Tight - 2
  397. Good Night Sleep Tight - 3
  398. Goose Wing Chariot
  399. Goosey Goosey Gander - 1
  400. Goosey Goosey Gander - 2
  401. Goosey Goosey Gander - 3
  402. Goosey, goosey, gander - 4
  403. Grand Old Duke of York
  404. Grandmas Spectacles
  405. Grannies and Grandpas
  406. Grasshopper
  407. Gray Goose
  408. Great A Little A
  409. Greedy Ben
  410. Green Cheese
  411. Green Holly
  412. Green Peas and Mutton Pies
  413. Green Says GO
  414. Gregory Griggs
  415. Gypsy, Gypsy, tell it me
  416. Had Four Brothers
  417. Half A Pound for Mandy Rice
  418. Handy Pandy
  419. Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy,
  420. Hap and Row
  421. Happy Birthday Poems
  422. Happy Birthday to You
  423. Happy Hearts and Happy Faces
  424. Hark, hark, the dogs to bark,
  425. He Comes In The Night
  426. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
  427. Hector Protector
  428. Heigh Ho The Carrion Crow
  429. Hello! Mr. Bunny Rabbit
  430. Here Goes My Lord.
  431. Here is Sally Sue.
  432. Here is the Church.
  433. Here Lies Our Mutton King.
  434. Here We Go.
  435. Here We Go Gathering Nuts in May.
  436. Here we go loop de loop.
  437. Here We Go Round a Ginger Ring.
  438. Here we go round the jingo-ring.
  439. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. - 1
  440. Here we go round the mulberry bush. - 2
  441. Heres Sulky Sue
  442. Hey Diddle Diddle - 1
  443. Hey Diddle Diddle - 2
  444. Hey Diddle Diddle - 3
  445. Hey diddle diddle - 4
  446. Hey Diddle Dinkety
  447. Hey Jock Ma Cuddy
  448. Hey Nonny
  449. Hi Spy
  450. Hickety Pickety - 1
  451. Hickety Pickety - 2
  452. Hickety, pickety, my black hen
  453. Hickory Dickory Dare
  454. Hickory Dickory Dock - 1
  455. Hickory Dickory Dock - 2
  456. Hickory dickory dock - 3
  457. Hiccup Hiccup
  458. Hide and Seek
  459. Hielenman Hielenman
  460. Higgledy, piggledy, my black hen,
  461. Higglety Pigglety Pop
  462. High in The Pine Tree
  463. Hogs in the Garden
  464. Hokey Pokey
  465. Hold Fast Let Go
  466. Home from School
  467. Home Sweet Home
  468. Honey Bee
  469. Hoo are ye the day
  470. Hop A Little!
  471. Hop A Little. Jump A Little. - 1
  472. Hop A Little. Jump A Little. - 2
  473. Horse Shoe
  474. Horse Shoe Nail
  475. Horsey Horsey
  476. Hot Codlins
  477. Hot Cross Buns! - 1
  478. Hot Cross Buns! - 2
  479. Hot Cross Buns! - 3
  480. Hot Cross Buns! - 4
  481. Hot cross buns, hot cross buns - 5
  482. How Dan Dilly Dow
  483. How Large Unto The Fly
  484. How Many Days Has Baby
  485. How Many Miles To Babylon
  486. How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck
  487. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall - 1
  488. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall - 2
  489. Humpty Dumpty
  490. Hunter of Reigate
  491. Hush-A-Bye
  492. Hush-A-Bye Baby - 1
  493. Hush A Bye Baby - 2
  494. Hush-a-bye, Baby, in the tree top,
  495. Hush A Bye Colin
  496. Hush A Bye Lie Still With Thy Daddy
  497. Hush Baby My Dolly
  498. Hush Little Baby -1
  499. Hush Little Baby - 2
  500. Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
  501. Hush Ye
  502. Hush-A-Ba Babby Lie Still Lie Still
  503. Hush-A-Ba Burdie Croon Croon
  504. I am a little tea-pot.
  505. I am a Pretty Little Dutch Girl.
  506. I am A Dingly Dangly Scarecrow.
  507. I am A Little Airplane.
  508. I Am A Little Teapot.
  509. I Am A Skyscraper Wean.
  510. I am a Tiger...
  511. I Am Big Tree...
  512. I am His Highness Dog.
  513. I Am of Ireland.
  514. I Am Special
  515. I am The King of The Castle.
  516. I Asked My Mother.
  517. I Can See Left.
  518. I clap with my hands.
  519. I do not like thee, Doctor Fell - 1
  520. I do not like thee, Doctor Fell. - 2