A 1
From A to B
From A to Z
Take someone aback
As easy as ABC
As simple as ABC
Give someone the screaming abdabs
Aid and abet
Know what you are about
Above yourself
Not be above
In Abraham’s bosom
The acceptable face of
An accident waiting to happen
Accidents will happen
A chapter of accidents
Of your own accord
Give a bad account of yourself
Give a good account of yourself
Settle accounts with someone
Square accounts with someone
There is no accounting for tastes
An ace in the hole
Have an ace up your sleeve
Hold all the aces
Play your ace
Within an ace of
An Achilles heel
The acid test
Come the acid
Put the acid on someone
Have a nodding acquaintance with someone
Have a nodding acquaintance with something
Scrape acquaintance with
God’s acre
Across the board
Be across something
Act your age
Act the goat
Act of God
A class act
Clean up your act
Do a disappearing act
Get your act together
A hard act to follow
A tough act to follow
In on the act
Read someone the riot act
Read the riot act
Action stations
Man of action
A piece of the action
A slice of the action
Where the action is
Your actual
Not know someone from Adam
The old Adam
Add fuel to the fire
Add fuel to the flames
Add insult to injury
Deaf as an adder
Deaf as a post
An admirable Crichton
Cast someone adrift
Cut someone adrift
Any advance on
Play devils advocate
Afraid of your own shadow
For Africa
Be after doing something
Act your age
The awkward age
Come of age
Feel your age
A golden age
Under age
A hidden agenda
Pile on the agony
Prolong the agony
Agree to differ
A gentlemans agreement
Ahead of the game
Ahead of your time
Ahead of its time
Streets ahead
Aid and abet
In aid of
What is all this in aid of
Airs and graces
Give yourself airs
Hot air
Up in the air
On the air
Off the air
Take the air
Walk on air
Have people rolling in the aisles
Drop your aitches
An Aladdin’s cave
An Aladdin’s lamp
Alarms and excursions
Set the world alight
Set the world on fire
Alive and kicking
Alive and well
All and sundry
All comers
All my eye and Betty Martin
My eye
All of
Be all one to
All out
All over the place
All the rage
All round
Be all that
All systems go
Be all things to all men
Be all things to all people
Not all there
Be all go
And all
Be all up with
It is all up with
All of a sudden
Of a sudden
For all
On all fours
On all fours with
Give the all-clear
Get the all-clear
A blind alley
Up your alley
Up your street
Right up your alley
Right up your street
Pass in your ally
Along About
Alpha and omega
Sacrifice someone on the altar of
Sacrifice something on the altar of
In the altogether
As American as apple pie
The American dream
Run amok
In the final analysis
Ancient as the hills
Old as the hills
The ancient of Days
The angel in the house
On the side of the angels
Angry young man
The answers a lemon
A dusty answer
Up the ante
Raise the ante
Have ants in your pants
Not be having any of it
Anyones game
Be anyones
Anything goes
Be poles apart
Come apart at the seams
Fall apart at the seams
Go ape
An apology for
With apologies to
Appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober
Appeal to Caesar
Keep up appearances
To all appearances
By all appearances
Apple of discord
The apple of your eye
Apples and oranges
A rotten apple
A bad apple
She’s apples
Upset the apple cart
As American as apple pie
Apropos of nothing
Seal of approval
Stamp of approva
A grey area
Tied to someones apron strings
A no-go area
Argue the toss
Out of the ark
A call to arms
Cost an arm and a leg
Give an arm and a leg for
Keep someone at arms length
Keep something at arms length
The long arm of coincidence
The long arm of the law
The strong arm of the law
As long as your arm
Put the arm on
Up in arms about
With open arms
Would give your right arm for
An armchair critic
Armchair traveller
Armchair politician
Armed at all points
Armed to the teeth
Up to your armpits
You and whose army
Have been around
An arrow in the quiver
Arrow of time arrow
Arrow of time times arrow
A straight arrow
Go arse over tit
Kiss my arse
Kiss someone’s arse
Kiss someone’s ass
Lick someone’s arse
Lick someone’s boots
Not know your arse from your elbow
A pain in the neck
A pain in the ass
A pain in the arse
Art for art’s sake
Be art and part of
Have something down to a fine art
Get something down to a fine
State of the art
An article of faith
The finished article
The genuine article
As and when
As if
As it were
in the ascendant
dust and ashes
rake over the ashes
rake over old coals
rise from the ashes
turn to ashes in your mouth
ask for the moon
cry for the moon
ask me another
ask no odds
a big ask
do not ask me
I ask you!
be asking for it
for the asking
asleep at the wheel
bust your ass
chew someone’s ass
drag ass
cover your ass
be asking for trouble
haul ass
get your ass in gear
kick some ass
kick someone’s ass
kick some butt
kiss ass
Kiss someone’s ass
Kiss someone’s arse
no skin off your ass
not give a rat’s ass
a pain in the ass
a piece of ass
a piece of tail
put someone’s ass in a sling
bust someone’s ass
whip someone’s ass
at it
at that
where its at
an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
dance attendance on
for auld lang syne
under the auspices of
have something on good authority
away with something
get away with you
far and away
out and away
the awkward age
the awkward squad
have an axe to grind
the ayes have it
plan b
babe’s in the wood
be someone’s baby
be left holding the baby
throw the baby out with the bathwater
at the back of your mind
back in the day
a back number
back o’bourke
the back of beyond
back to the drawing board
back to square one
back the wrong horse
be on someone’s back
get off someone’s back
by the back door
get someone’s back up
get your own back
know something like the back of your hand
not in my backyard
on your back
put your back into
see the back of
someone’s back is turned
take a back seat
with your back to the wall
with your back up against the wall
put backbone into someone
a back-seat driver
bend over backwards to do something
know something backwards
save someone’s bacon
bring home the bacon
saved by the bell
have something to say for yourself
have nothing to say for yourself
say the word
go without saying
there is no saying
throw away the scabbard
like a scalded cat
the scales fall from someone’s eyes
throw something on the scale
throw something into the scale
tip the scales at
turn the scales at
turn the scales
turn the balance
bad blood
there is bad blood between
a bad quarter of an hour
a bad workman blames his tools
be bad news
my bad
turn up like a bad penny
bag and baggage
a bag of bones
a bag of nerves
a bundle of nerves
a bag of tricks
a whole bag of tricks
be left holding the bag
be left holding the baby
be left holding
in the bag
fish or cut bait
rise to the bait
a baker’s dozen
turn the balance
turn the scales
weigh something in the balance
as bald as a coot
a ball and chain
the ball is in someone’s court
a ball of fire
behind the eight ball
have a ball
have the ball at your feet
have a lot on the ball
keep the ball rolling
keep your eye on the ball
take your eye off the ball
on the ball
play ball
start the ball rolling
the whole ball of wax
a whole new ball game
go ballistic
go down like a lead balloon
go over like a lead balloon
when the balloon goes up
before the balloon goes up
lead someone a dance
lead someone a merry dance
lead someone by the nose
in the ballpark
the bamboo curtain
banana republic
go bananas
second banana
top banana
slip on a banana skin
when the band begins to play
jump on the bandwagon
bang for your buck
bang for the buck
bang goes
bang on
bang people’s heads together
get a bang out of
go with a bang
break the bank
under the banner of
a baptism of fire
bar none
the bare bones
would not touch someone with a bargepole
would not touch something with a bargepole
bark at the moon
bark up the wrong tree
someone’s bark is worse than their bite
round Robin Hood’s barn
no holds barred
a barrel of laughs
get someone over a barrel
scrape the barrel
the bottom of the barrel
with both barrels
on the barrelhead
man the barricades
go to the barricades
get to first base
off base
touch base
back to basics
blind as a bat
as blind as a bat
have bats in the belfry
have bats in your belfry
like a bat out of hell
not bat an eye
not bat an eyelid
off your own bat
right off the bat
with bated breath
an early bath
take a bath
pass on the baton
hand on the baton
under the baton of
batten down the hatches
recharge your batteries
battle of the giants
battle royal
battle stations
half the battle
a losing battle
a pitched battle
a running battle
bay for blood
bring someone to bay
bring something to bay
hold someone at bay
hold something at bay
keep someone at bay
keep something at bay
be there for someone
the be-all and end-all
draw a bead on
get a bead on
a beam in your eye
broad in the beam
off beam
way off beam
on your beam ends
full of beans
give someone beans
a row of beans
a hill of beans
know how many beans make five
not have a bean
spill the beans
bear the brunt of
grin and bear it
have your cross to bear
like a bear with a sore head
loaded for bear
beard the lion in his den
beard the lion in his lair
beat a hasty retreat
beat about the bush
beat around the bush
beat someone at their own game
beat your breast
beat the bushes
beat the clock
beat the daylights out of
beat the drum for
beat the drum of
bang the drum for
bang the drum of
beat your meat
beat the meat
beat the pants off
beat a path to someone’s door
beat the system
beat someone to it
if you could not beat them, join them
miss a beat
to beat the band
beaten at the post
pipped at the post
off the beaten track
off the beaten path
the beautiful people
the body beautiful
beaver away
work like a beaver
at someone’s beck and call
bed and breakfast
bed and breakfast
a bed of nails
a bed of roses
get out of bed on the wrong side
in bed with
you have made your bed and must lie in it
between you and me and the bedpost
between you and me and the gatepost
between you and me and the wall
bedside manner
the bee’s knees
have a bee in your bonnet
make a beeline for
been there, done that
beer and skittles
beg the question
beggar belief
beggar description
beggar on horseback
beggars can’t be choosers
go begging
beginner’s luck
the beginning of the end
beat the bejesus out of someone
scare the bejesus out of someone
bell, book and candle
bell the cat
bells and whistles
saved by the bell
as clear as a bell
as sound as a bell
give someone a bell
ring a bell
with bells on
belle of the ball
go belly up
have a bellyful of
below stairs
below the belt
belt and braces
tighten your belt
under your belt
bend someone’s ear
bend your elbow
bend over backwards
bend over backwards to do something
round the bend
round the twist
on bended knee
give someone the benefit of
the benefit of the doubt
a Benjamin’s portion
a Benjamin’s mess
bent out of shape
give someone a wide berth
give something a wide berth
besetting sin
beside yourself
best bib and tucker
the best thing since sliced bread
the greatest thing since sliced bread
put your best foot forward
with the best will in the world
the best of both worlds
the best of all possible worlds
the best of British
give someone best
give something best
make the best of it
your best bet
six of the best
all bets are off
don’t bet on it
you can bet your boots
you can bet your bottom dollar
you can bet your life
bet the farm
a safe bet
against your better judgement
the more the better
better the devil you know
better late than never
better safe than sorry
the better to
get the better of
go one better
no better than you should be
no better than you ought to be
your better half
seen better days
known better days
so much the better
so much the worse
the betting is that
betwixt and between
between the devil and the deep blue sea
between a rock and a hard place
the back of beyond
It is beyond me.
your best bib and tucker
stick your bib in
poke your bib in
big bickies
bide your time
big brother
the big C
a big cheese
a big fish
a big gun
a big noise
a big shot
a big wheel
big deal
the big five
the big lie
the big smoke
the big three
the big four
big white chief
give someone the big E
make it big
talk big
think big
too big for your boots
get off your bike
on your bike
bill and coo
a clean bill of health
fit the bill
fill the bill
foot the bill
sell someone a bill of goods
top the bill
head the bill
like billy-o
the bird has flown
a bird in hand
a bird of passage
a bird's-eye view
the birds and the bees
birds of a feather
do bird
early bird
flip someone the bird
give someone the bird
get the bird
have a bird
kill two birds with one stone
a little bird told me
strictly for the birds
in your birthday suit
have had the biscuit
take the biscuit
take the bun
take the cake
a bit much
a bit of all right
bit of fluff
bit of skirt
bit of stuff
bit of rough
bit on the side
bits and pieces
bits and bobs
do your bit
get the bit between your teeth
to bits
bite someone's head off
a bite at the cherry
bite the big one
bite the bullet
bite the dust
bite the hand that feeds you
bite off more than you can chew
bite your tongue
put the bite on
take a bite out of
the biter bit
the biter bitten
be bitten by the bug
have the bug
I could have bitten my tongue off.
once bitten twice shy
a bitter pill
a bitter pill to swallow
to the bitter end
beat someone black and blue
be in someone's black books
beyond the black stump
black box
a black mark against someone
a black report against someone
the black sheep
a black spot
in the black
in black and white
not as black as you are painted
a blank cheque
draw a blank
firing blanks
a wet blanket
wet your whistle
have kissed the blarney stone
a blast from the past
go to blazes
blaze a trail
like blazes
with guns blazing
with all guns blazing
bleed someone dry
bleed someone white
my heart bleeds for you
not have a penny to bless yourself with
a blessing in disguise
count your blessings
a mixed blessing
a blind alley
as blind as a bat
a blind bit of
the blind leading the blind
a blind spot
blind someone with science
go it blind
rob someone blind
turn a blind eye
play a blinder
effing and blinding
in the blink of an eye
on the blink
a chip off the old block
a new kid on the block
have been around the block a few times
on the block
put the blocks on
put your head on the block
put your neck on the block
blood and guts
blood and iron
blood and thunder
blood is thicker than water
blood on the carpet
blood sweat and tears
blood will tell
first blood
have blood on your hands
in cold blood
in your blood
like getting blood out of a stone
make your blood boil
make your blood curdle
make your blood run cold
new blood
young blood
someone's blood is up
sweat blood
taste blood
there is bad blood between
bloody but unbowed
bloodied but unbowed
the bloom is off the rose
blot your copybook
a blot on the escutcheon
a blot on the landscape
big girl's blouse
blow someone away
blow away the cobwebs
clear away the cobwebs
blow your cool
blow the doors off
blow a fuse
blow a gasket
blow the gaff
blow great guns
blow hot and cold
blow the lid off
blow someone’s mind
blow off steam
let off steam
blow your own horn
blow your own horn
blow your own trumpet
blow a raspberry
blow someone’s socks off
knock someone’s socks off
blow something sky-high
blow your top
blow up in your face
blow the whistle on
blow with the wind
soften the blow
cushion the blow
which way the wind blows
a blow-by-blow account
be blown away
be blown off course
be blown out of the water
between the devil and the deep blue sea
a bolt from the blue
do something until you are blue in the face
once in a blue moon
out of the blue
scream blue murder
yell blue murder
talk a blue streak
true blue
the wide blue yonder
the wild blue yonder
a blue-eyed boy
blue-sky research
call someone’s bluff
spare someone’s blushes
save someone’s blushes
above board
across the board
go by the board
on board
take something on board
tread the boards
walk the boards
be in the same boat
burn your boats
burn your bridges
off the boat
push the boat out
rock the boat
bob and weave
Bob's your uncle
ride bodkin
body and soul
keep body and soul together
know where the bodies are buried
over my dead body
The Biggest Cruise Ship
go off the boil
it all boils down to
make your blood boil
keep the pot boiling
as bold as brass
a bolt from the blue
have shot your bolt
make a bolt for
go down a bomb
go like a bomb
give someone Bondi
a bag of bones
the bare bones
a bone of contention
a bone in your head
a bone in your leg
close to the bone
near the bone
cut something to the bone
pare something to the bone
have a bone to pick with someone
have a bone to gnaw with someone
in your bones
make no bones about something
not a bone in your body
point the bone at
to the bone
to your bones
to the bone
work your fingers to the bone
would not say boo to a goose
up the booay
be in someone's black books
bring someone to book
by the book
close the books
a closed book
cook the books
in someone's bad books
in someone's good books
make a book
open a book
on the books
read someone like a book
suit someone's book
take a leaf out of someone's book
throw the book at
boots and all
the boot is on the other foot
die with your boots on
get the boot
hang up your boots
put the boot in
seven-league boots
to boot
tough as old boots
you can bet your boots
your heart sinks into your boots
pull yourself up by your own bootstraps
drag yourself up by your own bootstraps
shake your booty
poke borak at
be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
born in the purple
born to the purple
not know you are born
there is one born every minute
there is a sucker born every minute
to the manner born
I was not born yesterday
borrow trouble
living on borrowed time
borrowed plumes
show someone who's boss
cut both ways
have it both ways
hot and bothered
have a lot of bottle
show a lot of bottle
hit the bottle
be on the bottle
be bumping along the bottom
bottom drawer
the bottom falls out of something
the bottom drops out of something
the bottom line
from the bottom of your heart
scrape the bottom of the barrel
touch bottom
you can bet your bottom dollar
have bought it
bounce an idea off someone
bounce off the walls
a dead cat bounce
on the bounce
a bounden duty
bow and scrape
bow down in the house of Rimmon
have a second string to your bow
make your bow
take a bow
a warning shot across the bows
Did You Know?
a bowl of cherries
black box
box clever
be a box of birds
a box of tricks
in the wrong box
out of the box
out of your box
a Pandora's box
think outside the box
in the box seat
boys in blue
boys will be boys
jobs for the boys
the old boy network
one of the boys
sort out the men from the boys
have something on the brain
pick someone's brains
rack your brains
brass monkey
the brass ring
brass neck
get down to brass tacks
not a brass farthing
part brass rags with
brave new world
put a brave face on something
step into the breach
the best thing since sliced bread
the greatest thing since sliced bread
bread and circuses
break bread with
cast your bread upon the waters
eat the bread of idleness
have your bread buttered on both sides
know on which side your bread is buttered
man cannot live by bread alone
someone's bread and butter
take the bread out of people's mouths
want your bread buttered on both sides
a bread-and-butter letter
break the back of
break the bank
break a butterfly on a wheel
break a leg
break cover
break the ice
break the mould
break new ground
break fresh ground
break ranks
break ship
give me a break
give someone a break
make a break for
make a clean break
that's the breaks
them's the breaks
a dog's dinner
have someone for breakfast
beat your breast
make a clean breast of something
a dog's breakfast
make a clean breast of it
a breath of fresh air
the breath of life
do not hold your breath
save your breath,
take someone's breath away
waste your breath
breathe down someone's neck
breathe your last
a breed apart
a dying breed
a brick short of a load
come down like a ton of bricks
come up against a brick wall
hit a brick wall
make bricks without straw
burn your bridges
cross that bridge when you come to it
hold no brief for
bright and early
as bright as a button
the bright lights
bright spark
bright young thing
look on the bright side
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
bring home the bacon
bring the house down
bring something home to someone
bring something into play
bring someone to book
the British disease
broad in the beam
in broad daylight
it is as broad as it is long
go for broke
a broken reed
on the broo
a new broom
a broth of a boy
too many cooks spoil the broth
big brother
as brown as a berry
in a brown study
brownie points
bear the brunt of
burst his bubble
on the bubble
the buck stops here
the buck stops with someone
buck up your ideas
make a fast buck
pass the buck
a drop in a bucket
kick the bucket
Buckley's chance
in the buff
have the bug
be bitten by the bug
bugger all
bugger me
play silly buggers
Buggins’ turn
built on sand
have the bulge on
get the bulge on
bulging at the seams
bursting at the seams
like a bull at a gate
like a bull in a china shop
a red rag to a bull
take the bull by the horns
grab the bull by the horns
bite the bullet
sweat bullets
bully for
bums on seats
give someone the bum's rush
get the bum's rush
on the bum
things that go bump in the night
have a bun in the oven
take the bun
bunch of fives
a bundle of nerves
a bundle of laughs
a bundle of fun
drop your bundle
go a bundle on
go bung
the white man's burden
give it a burl
burn your boats
burn your bridges
burn the candle at both ends
burn daylight
burn your fingers
burn the midnight oil
burn rubber
go for the burn
have money to burn
his ears are burning
slow burn
on the back burner
on the front burner
burnt to a cinder
burnt to a crisp
a burr under your saddle
a burr in your saddle
burst his bubble
bursting at the seams
go for a Burton
bury the hatchet
bury your head in the sand
beat about the bush
beat around the bush
beat the bushes
bush telegraph
go bush
hide your light under a bushel
the business end
do the business
like nobody's business
a busman's holiday
a busted flush
the butcher, the baker and the candle-stick maker
have a butcher's
as busy as a bee
look as if butter would not melt in your mouth
have butter-fingers
be a butter-fingers
the butterfly effect
have butterflies in your stomach
button your lip
on the button
press the button
push his buttons
press his buttons
buy the farm
buy time
by and large
by the by
by the bye
let bygones be bygones
the big C
the whole caboodle
the whole kit and caboodle
cut the cackle
have a cadenza
appeal to Caesar
Caesar's wife
in cahoots
the mark of cain
raise cain
cakes and ale
you can not have your cake and eat it
the icing on the cake
a piece of cake
sell like hot cakes
go like hot cakes
a slice of the cake
take the cake
a golden calf
kill the fatted calf
call his bluff
call it a day
call someone names
call of nature
call the shots
call the tune
Do not call us we will call you.
good call
bad call
call a spade a spade
too close to call
carry the can
in the can
open up a can of worms
burn the candle at both ends
cannot hold a candle to
not worth the candle
a loose cannon
paddle your own canoe
at a canter
by a canvas
cap in hand
if the cap fits wear it
set your cap at
with a capital
get your cards
have a card up your sleeve
hold all the cards
keep your cards close to your chest
keep your cards close to your vest
mark someones card
on the cards
play the card
play your cards right
put your cards on the table
lay your cards on the table
not care two straws
a magic carpet
on the carpet
sweep something under the carpet
carrot and stick
carry the can
carry the day
in the cart
put the cart before the horse
be carved in stone
be on his case
get off his case
cash in your chips
cash in hand
be cast in a mould
cast someone adrift
cast your bread upon the waters
cast the first stone
cast something in his teeth
build castles in the air
build castles in Spain
all cats are grey in the dark
bell the cat
the cat has got his tongue
a cat may look at a king
a dead cat bounce
enough to make a cat laugh
fight like cat and dog
let the cat out of the bag
like a cat on a hot tin roof
like a cat on hot bricks
like the cat that has got the cream
like the cat who has stolen the cream
like a scalded cat
like something the cat brought in
not room to swing a cat
no room to swing a cat
not a cat in hells chance
play cat and mouse with
put the cat among the pigeons
see which way the cat jumps
that cat would not jump
turn cat in pan
when the cat is away the mice will play
in the catbird seat
a catch-22 situation
catch at straws
catch a cold
catch cold
catch your death
catch your death of cold
catch the sun
catch a Tartar
play catch-up
the cats whiskers
make common cause with
a rebel without a cause
throw caution to the winds
keep cave
caviar to the general
a sop to Cerberus
stand on ceremony
without ceremony
bad cess to
chafe at the bit
champ at the bit
be caught with chaff
separate the wheat from the chaff
sort the wheat from the chaff
pull his chain
yank his chain
a poisoned chalice
as different as chalk and cheese
by a long chalk
chalk and talk
walk the chalk
champ at the bit
chafe at the bit
change horses in midstream
do not change horses in midstream
a change is as good as a rest
a change of heart
change your tune
get no change out of
ring the change
chapter and verse
a chapter of accidents
return to the charge
charity begins at home
as cold as charity
work like a charm
chase the dragon
go and chase yourself
the chattering classes
cheap and cheerful
cheap and nasty
cheap at the price
check someone or something skeef
check you
cheek by jowl
turn the other cheek
of good cheer
three cheers for
a big cheese
hard cheese
say cheese
take the chequered flag
a bite at the cherry
a bowl of cherries
the cherry on the cake
pop her cherry
grin like a Cheshire cat
hope chest
get something off your chest
an old chestnut
pull his chestnuts out of the fire
chew the cud
chew the fat
chew the rag
chew the scenery
neither chick nor child
chickens come home to roost
a chicken-and-egg problem
count your chickens
running about like a headless chicken
rushing about like a headless chicken
big white chief
chief cook and bottle-washer
too many chiefs and not enough Indians
child’s play
keep your chin up
take it on the chin
not a Chinaman’s chance
a chink in his armour
a chip off the old block
a chip on your shoulder
have had your chips
when the chips are down
hobsons choice
bust his chops
bust your chops
chop and change
chop logic
not much chop
strike a chord
touch a chord
strike the right cord
touch the right cord
chuck it down
off your chump
close but no cigar
burnt to a cinder
circle the wagons
come full circle
turn full circle
go round in circles
run round in circles
the wheel has turned full circle
the wheel has come full circle
a three-ring circus
citizen of the world
the end of civilization as we know it
claim to fame
happy as a clam
happy as a sandboy
drop a clanger
clap eyes on
clap hold of
clap someone in jail
clap someone in irons
like the clappers
tap his claret
a class act
get your claws into
have feet of clay
clean as a whistle
a clean bill of health
a clean sheet
a clean sheet slate
clean his clock
clean house
clean up your act
come clean
have clean hands
keep your hands clean
keep a clean sheet
keep your nose clean
make a clean breast of something
make a clean breast of it
make a clean sweep
Mr. Clean
take someone to the cleaners
clear the air
clear as a bell
as clear as day
clear as mud
clear the decks
in clear
in the clear
out of a clear blue sky
out of a clear sky
be in a cleft stick
be caught in a cleft stick
too clever by half
click into place
click your fingers at
have a mountain to climb
be climbing the walls
at a clip
clip his wings
round the clock
around the clock
turn back the clock
watch the clock
clogs to clogs in three generations
close to home
close the door on
close to the bone
close to the bone
close your mind to
close ranks
close shave
close call
close to
close on
run someone close
too close for comfort
too close to call
behind closed doors
a closed book
out of the closet
on cloud nine
a silver lining
under a cloud
with your head in the clouds
a cloven hoof
in clover
in the club
in the pudding club
join the club
welcome to the club
clutch at straws
drive a coach and horses through
coals to Newcastle
haul someone over the coals
heap coals of fire on his head
at the coalface
the coast is clear
on his coat-tails
have a cob on
get a cob on
blow away the cobwebs
clear away the cobwebs
a cock-and-bull story
at full cock
cock a snook at
cock of the walk
cock your ear
knock something into a cocked hat
warm the cockles of his heart
i should cocoa
i should coco
bring something up to code
coign of vantage
shuffle off this mortal coil
the other side of the coin
to coin a phrase
pay someone back in their own coin
the long arm of coincidence
catch a cold
catch cold
as cold as charity
cold comfort
cold feet
in the cold light of day
the cold shoulder
go cold turkey
have someone cold
in cold blood
leave someone cold
left out in the cold
out cold
pour cold water on
throw cold water on
feel his collar
on a collision course
lend colour to
give colour to
see the colour of his money
nail your colours to the mast
pin your colours to the mast
sail under false colours
show your true colours
with flying colours
dodge the column
fifth column
as simple as they come
come the leader
come the acid
come apart at the seams
come clean
come in from the cold
come it over
come it strong
come of age
come off it
come to grief
come the old soldier over someone
come to that
if it comes to that
come to think of it
come up smelling of roses
too close for comfort
have it coming to you
not know if you are coming or going
where someone is coming from
go commando
common or garden
the common touch
be in good company
err in good company
compare notes
return the compliment
jump to conclusions
leap to conclusions
jump to the conclusion that
leap to the conclusion that
try conclusions with
be set in concrete
a name to conjure with
conspicuous by your absence
a conspiracy of silence
hold someone in contempt
hold something in contempt
to your hearts content
bone of contention
no contest
contradiction in terms
have the courage of your convictions
within cooee of
cook the books
cook on the front burner
cook his goose
too many cooks spoil the broth
the way the cookie crumbles
with your hand in the cookie jar
cool as a cucumber
cool your heels
for a coon’s age
in a coon’s age
a gone coon
fly the coop
bald as a coot
cop hold of
cop a plea
it is a fair cop
not much cop
blot your copybook
cut the cord
corn in Egypt
cut corners
fight your corner
the four corners of the world
the far corners of the world
the four corners of the earth
the far corners of the earth
in his corner
paint yourself into a corner
turn the corner
the corridors of power
cost an arm and a leg
count the cost
wrap someone in cotton wool
couch potato
on the couch
a counsel of despair
a counsel of perfection
count your chickens
count the pennies
count sheep
count something on the fingers of one hand
count to ten
out for the count
take the count
out of countenance
go counter
over the counter
under the counter
under the table
appeal to the country
go to the country
line of country
unknown country
dutch courage
have the courage of your convictions
take your courage in both hands
stay the course
hold court
send someone to coventry
blow his cover
break cover
cover the waterfront
cover your back
cover your tracks
have a cow
a sacred cow
till the cows come home
catch a crab
crack heads together
crack a book
crack a bottle
crack a crib
the crack of dawn
crack of doom
a fair crack of the whip
crack wise
paper over the cracks
go crackers
cracked up to be
get cracking
a bit of crackling
cramp his style
crash and burn
stick in your craw
crazy like a fox
creature of habit
credit where credit is due
be up the creek without a paddle
give someone the creeps
make your flesh creep
make your flesh crawl
on the crest of a wave
not cricket
put a crimp in
burnt to a crisp
shed crocodile tears
weep crocodile tears
be crook on
go crook
come a cropper
at cross purposes
cross as two sticks
cross your fingers
keep your fingers crossed
cross the floor
cross my heart
cross his palm with silver
cross the rubicon
cross swords
have your cross to bear
get your wires crossed
get your lines crossed
be caught in the crossfire
at a crossroads
at the crossroads
dirty work at the crossroads
as the crow flies
eat crow
crowd the mourners
pass in a crowd
crowning glory
be cruel to be kind
cruising for a bruising
crumbs from his table
crumbs from the table of the rich man
when it comes to the crunch
if it comes to the crunch
a widows cruse
cry for the moon
cry foul
cry from the heart
cry over spilt milk
cry stinking fish
cry wolf
in full cry
great cry and little wool
much cry and little wool
for crying out loud
crystal clear
cuckoo in the nest
cool as the cucumber
chew the cud
cudgel your brains
take up the cudgels
off the cuff
on the cuff
on cue
take your cue from
culture vulture
in your cups
not your cup of tea
a curate’s egg
make his blood curdle
curiosity killed the cat
curl the mo
make his hair curl
out of curl
pass current
curry favour
bring down the curtain on
old Spanish customs
a cut above
an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
be cut out for
be cut out to be
cut and dried
cut and run
cut and thrust
cut both ways
cut corners
cut the crap
cut a dash
cut someone dead
cut a deal
cut someone down to size
cut a perfect figure
cut from the same cloth
cut in line
cut it
cut it fine
cut things fine
cut the Gordian knot
cut it out
cut loose
cut your losses
cut the mustard
cut no ice
cut someone off in their prime
cut someone down in their prime
the cut of his jib
cut a rug
cut the rug
cut someone some slack
cut your teeth
cut to the chase
cut up rough
cut your coat according to your cloth
have your work cut out
make the cut
miss the cut
firing on all cylinders
firing on all four cylinders
be a dab hand at
at daggers drawn
look daggers at
rattle your dags
fresh as a daisy
pushing up the daisies
what is the damage
as near as dammit
as near as damn it
not give a damn
damn someone with faint praise
damn something with faint praise
not be worth a damn
damned if you do and damned if you do not
do your damnedest
try your damnedest
Damon and Pythias
a damp squib
put a damper on
put a dampener on
put the damper on
put the dampener on
damsel in distress
dance attendance on
dance to his tune
lead someone a dance
lead someone a merry dance
get your dander up
keep someone dangling
a dark horse
keep someone in the dark
keep something dark
a shot in the dark
a stab in the dark
never darken his door
never darken his doorstep
cut a dash
do your dash
a blind date
pass your sell-by date
nothing daunted
Davy Jones’s locker
the crack of dawn
a false dawn
all in a days work
at the end of the day
call it a day
carry the day
win the day
day in day out
day of reckoning
do not give up the day job
from day one
have had your day
have had its day
if he is a day
if she is a day
just another day at the office
make a day of it
make his day
not his day
one of those days
a red letter day
seen better days
known better days
that will be the day
those were the days
beat the living daylights out of
burn daylight
frighten the living daylights out of
scare the living daylights out of
see daylight
dead and buried
dead as a dodo
dead as the dodo
dead as a doornail
dead as mutton
a dead cat bounce
dead from the neck up
dead from the chin up
dead in the water
a dead letter
dead meat
dead mens shoes
the dead of night
the dead of winter
dead on your feet
dead to the world
from the dead
make a dead set at
over my dead body
would not be seen dead in
would not be seen dead with
would not be seen dead at
would not be caught dead in
would not be caught dead with
would not be caught dead at
deaf as an adder
deaf as a post
fall on deaf ears
a big deal
big deal
a raw deal
a rough deal
a square deal
at deaths door
be the death of
be frightened to death
be in at the death
catch your death
catch your death of cold
a death’s head at the feast
die a death
die the death
do something to death
a fate worse than death
like death warmed up
a matter of life and death
not playing with a full deck
on deck
dig deep
go off the deep end
go in off the deep end
in deep waters
jump in at the deep end
be thrown in at the deep end
deliver the goods
delusions of grandeur
like a demon
hidden depths
out of your depth
have a derry on someone
get your just deserts
receive your just deserts
have designs on
despite yourself
a deuce of a
the deuce of a
the deuce to pay
like the deuce
leave someone to their own devices
between the devil and the deep blue sea
devil may care
a devil of a
the devil of a
the devils in the detail
the devils own
the devil to pay
give the devil his due
like the devil
like a demon
play devils advocate
play the devil with
play Old Harry with
raise the devil
sell your soul
sell your soul to the devil
speak of the devil
talk of the devil
sup with the devil
dine with the devil
dialogue of the deaf
diamond cut diamond
rough diamond
dice with death
load the dice against someone
load the dice in favour of someone
no dice
not a dicky bird
have swallowed a dictionary
cut didoes
die a death
die the death
die hard
die in your bed
die in harness
die in the last ditch
the die is cast
die like flies
die on the vine
die on your feet
die with your boots on
never say die
straight as a die
to die for
agree to differ
different strokes for different folks
dig the dirt
dig up dirt
dig in your heels
dig yourself into a hole
dig a hole for yourself
dig your own grave
dig a pit for
beneath your dignity
stand on your dignity
take a dim view of
a dime a dozen
drop the dime on
drop a dime on
get off the dime
on a dime
the law of diminishing returns
dine out on
fair dinkum
done like dinner
done like a dinner
more than someone has had hot dinners
hand in your dinner pail
by dint of
dip your pen in gall
dip your toe into something
do someone dirt
drag someone through the dirt
drag something through the dirt
drag someone through the mud
drag something through the mud
eat dirt
treat someone like dirt
the dirty end of the stick
dirty work at the crossroads
do the dirty on someone
get your hands dirty
get dirty your hands
play dirty
talk dirty
wash your dirty linen in public
do a disappearing act
be a recipe for disaster
discretion is the better part of valour
dish the dirt
dull as dishwater
dull as ditch water
go the distance
within spitting distance
within striking distance
take a dive
divide and rule
divide and conquer
divided against itself
whistle dixie
do a
do your head in
do your nut in
do the honours
do or die
do someone proud
do something to death
do the trick
dos and donots
in dock
in the dock
be just what the doctor ordered
go for the doctor
dodge the column
dead as a dodo
dead as the dodo
dead as the dodo
dog and pony show
dog eat dog
dog in the manger
the dog’s bollocks
a dog’s dinner
a dog’s breakfast
a dog’s life
dog tired
dogs of war
dressed like a dog’s dinner
dressed up like a dog’s dinner
every dog has his day
every dog has its day
every dog has its day
give a dog a bad name
go to the dogs
the hair of the dog
help a lame dog over a stile
in a dogs age
keep a dog and bark yourself
let the dog see the rabbit
let sleeping dogs lie
like a dog with two tails
not a dog’s chance
put on the dog
rain cats and dogs
sick as a dog
throw someone to the dogs
you cannot teach an old dog new tricks
lie doggo
in the doghouse
in the dogbox
be dollars to doughnuts that
you can bet your bottom dollar
a done deal
done for
done in
for donkeys years
all of a doodah
doom and gloom
till doomsday
as one door closes another opens
at death’s door
close the door on
close the door to
shut the door on
shut the door to
door to door
lay something at his door
leave the door open for
open the door to
show him the door
a toe in the door
dead as a doornail
on the doorstep
on your doorstep
a dose of your own medicine
in small doses
like a dose of salts
dot the i and cross the t
on the dot
the year dot
at the double
on the double
double or nothing
a double-edged sword
a double-edged weapon
a doubting Thomas
flutter the dovecotes
down and dirty
down and out
down in the mouth
down on your luck
down the road
down the tubes
down to the ground
down tools
have someone down as
put someone down as
have something down as
put something down as
have a down on
have be down on
on the downgrade
be downhill all the way
go downhill
downwardly mobile
a baker’s dozen
talk nineteen to the dozen
drag your feet
drag your heels
drag someone through the dirt
drag something through the dirt
drag someone through the mud
drag something through the mud
chase the dragon
sow dragon’s teeth
plant dragon’s teeth
down the drain
make a drama out of
feel the draught
draw a bead on
draw a blank
draw his fire
draw the line at
draw a line at
draw the short straw
draw stumps
the luck of the draw
quick on the draw
bottom drawer
back to the drawing board
on the drawing board
beyond your wildest dreams
dream in colour
dream in Technicolour
in your dreams
like a dream
never in your wildest dreams
dressed to kill
drink like a fish
drink someone under the table
drive a coach and horses through
drive something home
let drive
in the drivers seat
in the driving seat
what someone is driving at
at the drop of a hat
drop your aitches
drop the ball
drop a brick
drop your bundle
drop a clanger
drop dead
drop the dime on
drop a dime on
drop your guard
drop a hint
drop hints
drop someone like a hot potato
drop something like a hot potato
drop someone a line
a drop in the ocean
a drop in a bucket
drop names
drop the pilot
drop your trousers
fit to drop
ready to drop
have the drop
drown your sorrows
like a drowned rat
a drug on the market
beat the drum for
beat the drum of
bang the drum for
bang the drum of
march to a different drum
drunk as a lord
drunk as a skunk
come up dry
dry as dust
there was not a dry eye in the house
break your duck
duck and dive
fine weather for ducks
get your ducks in a row
have your ducks in a row
like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
lame duck
take to something like a duck to water
like water off a ducks back
play ducks and drakes with
an ugly duckling
in high dudgeon
up the duff
duke it out
dull as dishwater
dull as ditch water
dull the edge of
sell someone a dummy
down in the dumps
into the dumper
dry as dust
dust and ashes
the dust settles
eat his dust
gather dust
collect dust
not see someone for dust
raise a dust
kick up a dust
a dusty answer
be done and dusted
Dutch courage
a Dutch uncle
go Dutch
in Dutch
that beats the Dutch
I am a Dutchman.
duty bound
in a dwaal
dyed in the wool
to your dying day
put your finger in the dyke
an eager beaver
be all ears
bring something about your ears
bring something down about your ears
dry behind the ears
fall on deaf ears
have his ear
have something by the ears
have something coming out of your ears
have an ear to the ground
keep an ear to the ground
in one ear and out the other
lend an ear
lend your ears
listen with half an ear
make a pigs ear of
make a silk purse out of a sows ear
out on your ear
set by the ears
his ears are flapping
turn a deaf ear
up to your ears in
wet behind the ears
his ears are burning
early bird
early doors
it is early days
take an early bath
earn your corn
earn your keep
a nice little earner
come back to earth
come back down to earth
bring someone back to earth
bring someone back down to earth
cost the earth
charge the earth
pay the earth
the earth moved
did the earth move for you
go to earth
like nothing on earth
promise someone the earth
promise someone the moon
run someone to earth
run something to earth
not stand an earthly
not have an earthly
an easy touch
come easy to
easy as ABC
easy as falling off a log
easy as pie
easy come easy go
easy does it
easy meat
easy on the eye
easy on the ear
go easy on someone
be easy on someone
go easy on something
go easy with something
have it easy
I am easy.
of easy virtue
take the easy way out
take it easy
eat someone alive
eat crow
eat dirt
eat his dust
eat your heart out
eat someone out of house and home
eat humble pie
eat salt with
eat your words
have someone eating out of your hand
what is eating you?
what is eating him?
what is eating her?
at a low ebb
ebb and flow
applaud someone to the echo
cheer someone to the echo
in eclipse
economical with the truth
on the edge of your seat
on the edge of your chair
set his teeth on edge
take the edge off something
get a word in edgeways
effing and blinding
a curates egg
do not put all your eggs in one basket
go suck an egg
kill the goose that lays the golden egg
lay an egg
sure as eggs is eggs
with egg on your face
behind the eight ball
one over the eight
give someone the elbow
lift your elbow
up to your elbows in
in your element
out of your element
see the elephant
a white elephant
at the eleventh hour
the Elysian Fields
be running on empty
empty nester
empty vessels make most noise
empty vessels make most sound
the big enchilada
the whole enchilada
all ends up
at the end of the day
at the end of your tether
at a loose end
be at your wits end
the beginning of the end
be on the receiving end
be at the receiving end
be thrown in at the deep end
burn the candle at both ends
the dirty end of the stick
end in tears
end it all
the end justifies the means
the end of civilization as we know it
the end of the road
the end of the road line
end of story
the end of the world
get your end away
have your end away
get the wrong end of the stick
go off the deep end
keep your end up
keep hold your end up
make ends meet
make both ends meet
make his hair stand on end
a means to an end
never hear the end of something
not hear the end of something
no end
no end of something
the sharp end
the thin end of the wedge
to the bitter end
as the war to end all wars
be your own worst enemy
public enemy number one
an Englishman’s home is his castle
enough is as good as a feast
enough is enough
enough said
enough to make a cat laugh
push the envelope
push the edge of the envelope
epater les bourgeois
epater les bourgeois
first among equals
first among equals
first among equals
other things being equal
other all things being equal
err on the right side
err on the side of
to err is human to forgive divine
a blot on your escutcheon
of the essence
the Eternal City
eternal triangle
an even break
even Stephens
even Stevens
get even with
be even with
on an even keel
it was ever thus so
every last
every single
every man for himself
every which way
the evil eye
put off the evil day
put off the evil hour
the exception that proves the rule
exeunt omnes
make an exhibition of yourself
what can you expect?
what do you expect?
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
the eye of a needle
the eye of the storm
be all eyes
clap eyes on
lay eyes on
set eyes on
get your eye in
keep your eye in
close your eyes to
shut your eyes to
do a person in the eye
eyes out on stalks
give someone the glad eye
give someone the eye
a gleam in his eye
a twinkle in his eye
go eyes out
half an eye
have an eye for
have an eye for the main chance
have an eye on the main chance
have an eye to the main chance
with an eye on the main chance
with an eye for the main chance
with an eye to the main chance
have eyes bigger than your stomach
have eyes in the back of your head
have square eyes
hit him in the eye
hit him in between the eyes
keep an eye out for
keep an eye open for
keep your eye on the ball
keep your eyes open
keep your eyes peeled
keep your eyes skinned
make eyes at someone
there is more to him than meets the eye
there is more to it than meets the eye
all my eye and betty martin
one in the eye for
open his eyes
pull the wool over his eyes
see eye to eye
his eye view
shut your eyes to
turn a blind eye
up to your eyes in
what the eye does not see the heart does not grieve over
with one eye on
with your eyes open
with your eyes shut
with your eyes closed
eyeball to eyeball
give someone the hairy eyeball
up to the eyeballs
up to your eyeballs
raise your eyebrows
raise an eyebrow
by an eyelash
cut your eye teeth
give your eye teeth for
the acceptable face of
a face as long as a fiddle
face the music
get out of his face
have the brass face to
in your face
lose face
make faces
pull faces
not just a pretty face
off your face
put a brave face on something
put a bold face on something
put a good face on something
save face
save his face
set your face against
his face fits
throw something back in his face
a fact of life
the facts of life
do a fade
without fail
a faint heart
not have the faintest idea
fair and square
a fair crack of the whip
a fair deal
fair dinkum
fair dos
a fair field and no favour
fair play to someone
fairs fair
for fair
it is a fair cop
no fair
away with the fairies
fall apart at the seams
fall between two stools
fall from grace
fall into line
fall off the back of a lorry
fall on deaf ears
fall on your feet
land on your feet
fall on stony ground
fall over backwards
fall prey to
fall short of
take the fall
a false dawn
the family jewels
your family jewels
in the family way
sell the family silver
famous for being famous
famous for fifteen minutes
famous last words
fancy your chances
trip the light fantastic
be a far cry from
far and away
far be it from me to
far be it for me to
so far so good
to a fare-thee-well
buy the farm
fast and furious
play fast and loose
in the fast lane
pull a fast one
the fat is in the fire
live off the fat of the land
live on the fat of the land
a fate worse than death
seal his fate
tempt fate
founding father
How is your father?
like father like son
to a fault
kill the fatted calf
do me a favour
do someone a favour
favourite son
put the fear of God into someone
without fear or favour
feast your eyes on
feast of reason
feast or famine
a ghost at the feast
a spectre at the feast
a movable feast
a feather in your cap
feather your nest
feather own nest
in high feather
in fine feather
show the white feather
fed up to the teeth
fed up to the back teeth
feel your age
feel his collar
feel the draught
feel your oats
feel the pinch
feel the pulse of
in one fell swoop
at one fell swoop
mend fences
mend your fences
over the fence
sit on the fence
fetch and carry
Bhagavad Gita in 90 Seconds
in fine fettle
few and far between
have a few
a face as long as a fiddle
fiddle while Rome burns
fit as a fiddle
hang up your fiddle
hang up your fiddle when you come home
on the fiddle
play second fiddle to
a fair field and no favour
hold the field
play the field
something fierce
famous for fifteen minutes
fifth column
take the fifth
in full fig
not give a fig
not care a fig
fight fire with fire
fight like cat and dog
fight a losing battle
fight or flight
fight shy of
fight tooth and nail
figure of fun
fill the bill
fill his shoes
fill his boots
the final straw
find your feet
find God
find it in your heart to do something
finders keepers
losers weepers
cut it fine
cut things fine
fine feathers
not to put too fine a point on it
one fine day
have something down to a fine art
get something down to a fine art
the finer points of
your finest hour
be all fingers and thumbs
burn your fingers
get your fingers burned
get your fingers burnt
cross your fingers
get your finger out
pull your finger out
give someone the finger
have a finger in every pie
have a finger in the pie
have your fingers in the till
have your hand in the till
with your fingers in the till
with your hand in the till
have your finger on the pulse
keep your finger on the pulse
lay a finger on
point the finger
put something on the long finger
put the finger on
put your finger on
snap your fingers
click your fingers
twist someone around your little finger
wind someone around your little finger
wrap someone around your little finger
work your fingers to the bone
your fingers itch
at your fingertips
by your fingertips
to your fingertips
a fight to the finish
the finished article
catch fire
breathe fire
fire and brimstone
fire in the belly
fire in your belly
go through fire
go through fire and water
light a fire under someone
play with fire
set the world on fire
set the world alight
under fire
Where is the fire?
visiting fireman
firing on all cylinders
firing on all four cylinders
be on firm ground
a firm hand
first among equals
first blood
first come first served
first off
first past the post
first thing
first things first
first up
get to first base
of the first order
of the first magnitude
of the first water
big fish
a big fish in a small pond
a big fish in a pond
drink like a fish
fish in troubled waters
fish or cut bait
a fish out of water
have other fish to fry
have bigger fish to fry
like shooting fish in a barrel
neither fish nor fowl
neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring
a pretty kettle of fish
a fine kettle of fish
there are plenty more fish in the sea
a fishing expedition
an iron fist in a velvet glove
make a good fist of
make a poor fist of
fit the bill
fill the bill
fit as a fiddle
fit as a flea
fit for the gods
fit like a glove
fit to be tied
fit to bust
give someone a fit
in fits
by fits and starts
in fits and starts
take five
fix his wagon
get a fix on
fly the flag
keep the flag flying
put the flags out
show the flag
wrap yourself in the flag
run something up the flagpole
an old flame
shoot someone down in flames
shoot something down in flames
her ears are flapping
flash in the pan
quick as a flash
fall flat
fall flat on your face
flat as a pancake
flat out
on the flat
catch someone flat-footed
flatter to deceive
go flatting
flavour of the month
fit as a flea
a flea in your ear
go the way of all flesh
in the flesh
make his flesh creep
make his flesh crawl
put flesh on something
put flesh on the bones of something
your pound of flesh
your flesh and blood
own flesh and blood
flex your muscles
flexible friend
give someone the flick
get the flick
in full flight
flip your lid
do a moonlight flit
float his boat
flog a dead horse
be in full flood
cross the floor
from the floor
take the floor
flotsam and jetsam
go with the flow
in full flow
the flower of life
bit of fluff
a busted flush
in the first flush
flutter the dovecotes
flutter your eyelashes
die like flies
drop like flies
drink with the flies
fly the coop
fly the flag
fly high
a fly in amber
fly in the face of
a fly in the ointment
fly a kite
fly the nest
fly off the handle
a fly on the wall
a fly on the wheel
like a blue-arsed fly
on the fly
there are no flies on him
would not hurt a fly
would not harm a fly
take a flyer
with flying colours
be in like Flynn
foam at the mouth
in a fog
not have the foggiest idea
not have the foggiest notion
follow in his footsteps
follow your nose
follow suit
food for thought
fools rush in where angels fear to tread
a fool and his money are soon parted
be no fool
be nobody’s fool
fools gold
more fool you
there is no fool like an old fool
dig in your feet
drag your feet
fall on your feet
foot the bill
get off on the right foot
start off on the right foot
get off on the wrong foot
start off on the wrong foot
get your feet under the table
get your feet wet
have feet of clay
have a foot in both camps
have a foot in the door
get a foot in the door
have one foot in the grave
have your feet on the ground
keep your feet on the ground
have something at your feet
keep your feet
put your best foot forward
put foot
put your foot down
put your foot in it
put your foot in your mouth
put a foot wrong
be run off your feet
six feet under
sweep someone off their feet
think on your feet
vote with your feet
footloose and fancy-free
play footsie with someone
follow in his footsteps
tread in his footsteps
be for it
there is name for you
that is name for you
forbidden fruit
force his hand
force the issue
force the pace
in force
take time by the forelock
touch your forelock
tug your forelock
morton’s fork
with forked tongue
a forlorn hope
a matter of form
fortune favours the brave
the fortunes of war
a small fortune
soldier of fortune
forty winks
foul your own nest
founding father
on all fours with
to the four winds
the fourth estate
crazy like a fox
be in the frame
out of the frame
Frankenstein’s monster
for free
free and easy
free, gratis and for nothing
a free rein
it is a free country
make free with
there is no such thing as a free lunch
freeze the balls off a brass monkey
freeze your blood
excuse my French
pardon my French
take French leave
be fresh out of something
break fresh ground
a breath of fresh air
fresh as a daisy
fresh blood
a fair-weather friend
flexible friend
a friend at court
friends in high places
look a fright
frighten the daylights out of
frighten the life out of
frightened of your own shadow
be frightened out of your wits
be frightened to death
put the frighteners on
go on the fritz
be on the fritz
have a frog in your throat
front of house
on the front burner
it will be a frosty friday
it will be a frosty friday in july
froth at the mouth
foam at the mouth
bear fruit
out of the frying pan into the fire
fudge factor
add fuel to the fire
add fuel to the flames
at full cock
at full stretch
come full circle
in full cry
full as a goog
the full monty
full of beans
full of years
at full pelt
full steam ahead
full speed ahead
in full fig
in full flight
in full flow
in full swing
not the full quid
not playing with a full deck
on a full stomach
to the full
full whack
the fullness of your heart
the fullness of the heart
in the fullness of time
poke fun at
in funds
it is his funeral
that is his funeral
see the funny side of something
be all fur coat and no knickers
fur and feather
the fur will fly
give someone furiously to think
part of the furniture
like fury
light the fuse
future shock
on the gad
upon the gad
blow the gaff
the gaiety of nations
go your gait
go your own gait
dip your pen in gall
wormwood and gall
play to the gallery
ahead of the game
beat someone at their own game
as game as Ned Kelly
the game is up
game on
game over
give the game away
the name of the game
off your game
on your game
on the game
the only game in town
play games
play his game
play the game
two can play at that game
what is your game?
what is the game?
run the gamut
go gangbusters
garbage in garbage out
everything in the garden is lovely
everything in the garden is rosy
lead someone up the garden path
all Sir Garnet
all gas and gaiters
run out of gas
step on the gas
blow a gasket
your last gasp
the last gasp
get the gate
be given the gate
between you and me and the gatepost
run the gauntlet
throw down the gauntlet
take up the gauntlet
change gear
give someone the gears
let the genie out of the bottle
put the genie back in the bottle
the genuine article
let George do it
as soon as all get out
be out to get someone
do not get mad get even
get it together
get up and go
get your own back
the ghost in the machine
the ghost walks
give up the ghost
look as if you have seen a ghost
not have the ghost of a chance
not stand the ghost of a chance
the gift of the gab
the gift of tongues
God’s gift to sport
God’s own gift to sport
in the gift of
look a gift horse in the mouth
gild the lily
green about the gills
green around the gills
green at the gills
take the gilt off the gingerbread
ginger group
gird your loins
gird up your loins
page three girl
give and take
give as good as you get
give him the best
give it the best
give him furiously to think
give the game away
give the show away
give it to him
give me it
give or take it
give up the ghost
give someone what for
give yourself airs
not give a damn
not give a hoot
in your glad rags
stick in your gizzard
give someone the glad hand
just the glassy
the glassy
a gleam in his eye
a twinkle in his eye
all that glitters is not gold
doom and gloom
crowning glory
go to glory
in your glory
fit like a glove
the gloves are off
with the gloves off
take the gloves off
a glutton for punishment
gnash your teeth
strain at a gnat
gnomes of zurich
all systems go
be all go
from go to whoa
from the word go
go ape
go as you please
go ballistic
go bananas
go down with guns firing
go down with all guns firing
go figure
go great guns
go shares
go halves
go it
go to it
go postal
go the way of all flesh
go the whole hog
go well
have a go
have a go at
make a go of
on the go
to go
score an own goal
move the goalposts
get his goat
play the goat
play the giddy goat
act the giddy goat
act the goat
gods acre
god’s gift to him
god’s own gift to him
god willing
in the lap of the gods
little tin god
play god
anything goes
so far as it goes
what goes around comes around
who goes there
going going gone
going on for
have it going for you
while the going is good
fool’s gold
go gold
pot of gold
crock of gold
worth your weight in gold
like gold dust
a golden age
a golden calf
a golden handshake
the golden mean
the golden section
gone with the wind
kick the gong around
all to the good
as good as
as good as gold
as good as new
be good news
be in good company
be to the good
come up with the goods
deliver the goods
get the goods on someone
have the goods on someone
good and
good oil
good samaritan
have a good mind to do something
in good time
in his good books
make good
no good to gundy
one good turn deserves another
take something in good part
up to no good
full as a goog
all his geese are swans
cook his goose
turn geese into swans
what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
cut the Gordian knot
cast the gorge at
your gorge rises
the gory details
gospel truth
a wise man of Gotham
out of your gourd
up for grabs
be in his good graces
be in his bad graces
fall from grace
with good grace
with bad grace
make the grade
against the grain
a grain of mustard seed
a grand old man of
the grand old man of
delusions of grandeur
teach your grandmother to suck eggs
sour grapes
hear something on the grapevine
grasp at straws
grasp the nettle
at the grass roots
the grass is always greener
not let the grass grow under your feet
put someone out to grass
put something out to grass
knee-high to a grasshopper
dig your own grave
have one foot in the grave
silent as the grave
quiet as the grave
take the secret to the grave
turn over in their grave
a graven image
board the gravy train
grease his palm
oil his palm
grease the wheels
like greased lightning
greasy spoon
the great and the good
great and small
a great one for
it is all greek to me
beware of the greeks bearing gifts
fear the greeks bearing gifts
green about the gills
green around the gills
green at the gills
green light
green with envy
the green-eyed monster
a grey area
come to grief
give someone grief
like grim death
for grim death
the Grim Reaper
grin and bear it
grind to a halt
come to a grinding halt
keep your nose to the grindstone
merry as a grig
lively as a grig
get to grips with
come to grips with
get a grip
grist to the mill
true grit
Grody to the max
in the groove
into the groove
by the gross
break new ground
break fresh ground
cut the ground from under his feet
get in on the ground floor
get off the ground
get something off the ground
go to ground
have your feet on the ground
on the ground
on your own ground
prepare the ground
run someone to ground
run something to ground
thick on the ground
thin on the ground
work yourself into the ground
run yourself into the ground
groves of Academe
grow on trees
lower your guard
drop your guard
let down your guard
get a Guernsey
anybody can guess
by guess and by God
be my guest - 1
be my guest - 2
stick in your gullet
up a gum tree
a big gun
blow great guns
go down with guns firing
go down with all guns firing
go great guns
jump the gun
smoking gun
stick to your guns
top gun
under the gun
with guns blazing
with all guns blazing
your guts out
hate his guts
have his guts for garters
come a gutser
give someone gyp
kick the habit
make his hackles rise
hair of the dog
in his hair
out of his hair
keep your hair on
let your hair down
make his hair stand on end
neither hide nor hair of him
not turn a hair
put hairs on your chest
split hairs
a beauty and a half
at half cock
half the battle
half a chance
half an eye
half a loaf
the half of it
have something on your mind
how the other half lives
not do things by halves
not half
too bad by half
your better half
a halfway house
hamlet without the prince
come under the hammer
go under the hammer
hammer something home
hammer and tongs
take a hammering
all hands
be a dab hand at
bind his hand and foot
tie his hand and foot
do something with one hand behind your back
do something with one hand tied behind your back
get your hand in
keep your hand in
get your hands dirty
give a hand
lend a hand
give someone the glad hand
hand in glove
a hand's turn
from hand to mouth
hands down
hands off
have your hand in the till
make money hand over fist
lose money hand over fist
spend money hand over fist
on his hands
off his hands
put your hands together
put your hands up
the right hand does not know what the left hand does
set your hand to
put your hand to
sit on your hands
take a hand in
turn your hand to something
wait on someone hand and foot
wash your hands of
with your hand in the cookie jar
golden handshake
handsome is as handsome does
get the hang of something
hang by a thread
hang fire
hang a left
hang a right
hang loose
hang of a
a hang of
hang someone out to dry
hang tough
hang your hat
let it all hang out
not care a hang
not give a hang
hang up your boots
a hanging offence
happy as a sandboy
happy hunting ground
be hard put to
hard as nails
hard as the nether millstone
hard at it
a hard case
a hard nut to crack
a hard row to hoe
the hard way
play hard to get
put the hard word on
hard nut to crack
mad as a March hare
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
start a hare
out of harms way
someone would not harm a fly
something would not harm a fly
there is no harm in
in harness
harp on the same string
under the harrow
play Old Harry with
make a hash of
settle his hash
sling hash
more haste less speed
be all hat and no cattle
black hat
white hat
keep something under your hat keep
pass the hat round
pick something out of a hat select
pull one out of the hat
take your hat off to
throw your hat into the ring
batten down the hatches
hatches matches and despatches
under the hatches
do a hatchet job on
haul someone over the coals
have had it
have it away
have it away on your toes
have it away with someone
have it off with someone
have had it
have it away
have it away on your toes
have it both ways
got it in for
have it in for
have it in you to do something
got it in you to do something
have it out with someone
got nothing on someone
have nothing on someone
got nothing on something
have nothing on something
have one too many
play havoc with
watch someone like a hawk
hit the hay
make hay
make hay of
bang peoples heads together
knock peoples heads together
bang your head against a brick wall
knock your head against a brick wall
be hanging over your head
be on his own head
bite his head off
snap his head off
do his head in
do something standing on your head
get your head down
get your head around something
give someone their head
go to your head
have your head screwed on the right way
head and shoulders above
head over heels
heads I win tails you lose
heads will roll
put a gun to his head
put a pistol to his head
hold a gun to his head
hold a pistol to his head
keep your head
lose your head
keep your head above water
keep your head down
King Charless head
knock someone on the head
knock something on the head
make head or tail of
need your head examined
out of your head
off your head
off the top of your head
over your head
put your heads together
put something into his head
stand something on its head
turn something on its head
take it into your head to do something
turn heads
turn his head
with your head in the clouds
laugh your head off
talk your head off
shout your head off
take his name in vain
vale of tears
the vale of years
do a vanishing act
variety is the spice of life
beyond the veil
draw a veil over
take the veil
with a vengeance
vent your spleen
Pyrrhic Victory
take a dim view of
take a poor view of
a Potemkin village
the villain of the piece
a viper in your bosom
make a Virginia fence
make a virtue of necessity
visiting fireman
still small voice
a voice in the wilderness
split the vote
vote with your feet
by the yard
spin a yarn
for donkey's years
put years on someone
take years off someone
the vale of years
the year dot
yes and no
yesterday's man
yesterday's news
the wide blue yonder
the wild blue yonder
you and yours
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